Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Delegate Meeting Minutes Thursday 17th May 2018
Delegates welcomed & introductions made by delegates & visitors.
1. Present:Sis Taylor(UNITE), Whyte, Dixon (UNISON City) Simm (PCS) Bro Deacon, Pugh (UNISON City) Beuno (Sandwell UNISON), Marris, Taylor, Kelleher Foxall, Baker, (Unite WM6150) Rahimi (UNITEWM5103), Simm (PCS), Childs (CWU), Brackenridge LP/FBU, Chaffer (UNISON B’ham MH Trust)
Apologies Bro Grant (NEU-NUT), Grant (UCU), Juss GMB, Martin (MU) D Cross
2. Minutes of April delegate Meeting agreed. Matters Arising 2.10 no progress with Helen Pankhurst 2.11 no meeting yet arranged with police re last summer’s anti-fascist counter demo. 4a Sis Simm PCS Bro Brackenridge FBU elected as Labour councillors along with Sis Hibbert UNITE non-attending delegate. Congratulations made to all.
3. Correspondence of note
- 2018 affiliation still only 14 branch affiliations received GMB X13 and UNISON Police staff this week plus ASLEF, Community W’ton Craft, CWU, FBU, Musicians Union, NEU-NUT, UCU University,UNISON Sandwell General, City of Wolverhampton UNISON, UNISON Acute (New Cross), UNITE Faith workers, UNITE WM6150.
- no further response from: NASUWT, PCS, RMT, UCU College, UNISON University, UNISON WM Community, UNITE-CYW, Unite Community(WM5103) nor WM6151 branches.
- TUC March and Rally 12th May 2018 income £55 for 6 of 9 train tickets
- May Day Committee donation from WBDTUC £250 agreed Latest donations received £100 UNISON West Midlands and TUC Development grant £300 from Midlands TUC £1,800 final cost raised now
- Institute of Employment rights £50 re-affiliation agreed
- 18 May this Friday Palestine rally – Stop Gaza Massacre 4-30pm-6pm Qu Sq
- TUC Midlands Region Trades Council Conference, to be held on Saturday 19 May. Bro Kelleher delegate, Bro Simm visitor
- Birmingham Pride sat 26 May TUC contingent
- 2 June Midlands TUC/SUTR anti racism conference 47 summer lane Birmingham b19 3th
- Amnesty Garden party June 9th 2-5pm 202 Henwood Rd
- annual Orgreave rally sat 16 June
- Amnesty film June 18 Lighthouse Human flow 6pm £7/£4.50
- Evening with Dennis Skinner – lighthouse 23 June
- Saturday 30 June 2018 – another NHS national demo by Peoples Assembly
- Midlands TUC Chainmakers (7 July) £100 donation agreed – free stall agreed
- Hazards 2018 27-29 July @ Keele
- UNITE – “Tackling the Housing Crisis with publicly owned construction direct labour organisations” – book and author invite to speak.
- Venezeula Solidarity – current situations FAQ
- £5 WBDTUC History book order paid by Nielsen Books. Bought: WMDay wreath £35 parking £5.50
- 1,600 UK page views on our website this month,www.wolvestuc.org.uk ; 3,500 reach on Facebook, £19 advertising campaign in last week for 1st May event 2,700 saw advert and 222 made likes/comments/shares etc also done for WMDay 635 saw, 38 engaged for £5
- to send CSW Waspi £50 +travel expense
4. Reports/discussions: Delegate reports:
PCS Update: Bob Simm gave a general update on his tribunal case with MOJ and that it seems to be moving on albeit slowly.
Labour: Councillor Brakenbridge Gave an update on the Local elections in the city and both he and Clare Simm were congratulated on being elected. There was a general discussion about the poor results in Dudley and Walsall. Bob D commented on how Wolverhampton has seen off the likes of the BNP and UKIP and congratulated the hard work of the TUC.
FBU: Councillor Brackenbridge went on to talk about the upcoming strike ballot within the FBU and the meeting agreed to send the FBU a message of support.
WBDTUC Secretary’s report
Nick Kelleher addressed the meeting. TUC Women in leadership was discussed. Congratulations were also made for Unison as many were now talking about stress in the workplace. The meeting discussed stress and how to talk about it in the future. Chris suggested a larger cross union meeting to discuss it.
Nick attended the Mayday event in Handsworth and said it had been a good event however the Birmingham one was poorly put together and poorly attended. Their leaflets were also confusing at best.
Wolverhampton May Day Committee
There was a large and general discussion about the May Day event WBDTUC held at the Pegasus. Well attended and a great success. Music speakers and food all well received.
Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity – Bro Deacon
Bro Deacon spoke about upcoming demonstrations in Queens Square Wolverhampton and an excellent meeting with the Muslim Network. It was also mentioned that there would be further demonstrations outside HSBC Wolverhampton on the first Saturday of each month.
The PSC would be having a stall at the Dennis Skinner event in Wolverhampton as well as a stall with the TUC at the Chain makers event and a Garden party on the 8th of June.
Bro Deacon spoke about the dozens injured and killed on the March Home in Gaza that coincided with the opening of the new US Embassy in Jerusalem. He spoke about the fact the BBC actually reported on it and the juxtaposition of Washington and the protests.
He signposted us to the Palestine Solidarity Website and the email MP feature to get these issues discussed in Parliament.
5. speaker at 8pm – Andy Chaffer, leading gay rights campaigner explained terms which cover the different ways people define their gender and sexuality and how shop stewards can help with particular issues that affect LGBTQIAP trade unionists.
6. any other business – Bob Deacon spoke about the Windrush issues and Paula Wilson and mentioned a March happening soon in Wolverhampton.
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