November 2011




MINUTES of Delegate MEETING  17th November 2011



Welcome & Introductions

Present:  Sis: Taylor (CYWU/Unite)  Halfpenny (NUT)

Bros:Kelleher, Turner, Deacon, Everall, Fraser (Unison General),Rahimi, Dodd, Purchase (Unite), S.Grant (NUT), Woodstock (PCS), Juss (GMB), Childs (CWU), J.Grant (UCU)


Apologies:  Sis: Sebastian, Petford (Unite)  Elson, (PCS)  Kelsey (CWU)  Ceresa, Brearley (Unison)  Gibson (TUC Pension lead) Bro: Halestrap, Dwight (UCU)  Marris (Unite) Cole (NUT)  Bechler (ATL)




Minutes of last meeting


Bro.J.Grant (UCU) – present. Bro.S.Grant (NUT) – apologies. Agreed correct.

Matters Arising:

Rob Marris will speak at Wolverhampton rally from NUT.  Delegates need to sign up to event on Facebook on November 30th.

New contact for FDA – First Division Association.

Executive meeting not quorate.  NK and MT due to go on 10th December Trades Council meeting Derby, for using Peoples Charter. 




Executive Committee Report


a)  Anti EDL pamphlets were sent out to Council, Police and Wolverhampton Together.

b)  TUC – Doing audit but not sending monthly reports.

c)  Next meeting of WMATUC 3rd December so motion regarding Chainmakers will be late to arrive at next meeting which is 22nd November.

d)  WMCATUC affiliation 2012 – need to do as in rules.

e)  Agreed re-affiliation to Abortion Rights – £40.

g)  Census non-register in court protest against Lockhead Martin – arms dealer.  Should support effort to bring wider audience.  Need to vote that this is an important campaign in civil rights.  Report noted.  KP moved that help given if needed.




November 30th Strike Action


27 Unions nationally including 2 balloting in Northern Ireland.  Biggest strike since 1926.  Most unions have come out with 80% support.  Information has been sent to branch contacts of striking unions.  Report presented.

The police approached Trades Council regarding our demonstration, our rally due to be on North St outside Civic although troops returning from Afghanistan on same day.  This has limited march and demonstration.  Discussion about using Dhol band more in Queens Square.

Thanks to Nick and Adrian for liaising with police and council officials etc.

The numbers that will demonstrate are unknown, estimated 600, four times June 30th.  Organisation on slogans for rally.  Various routes and extension of routes was discussed as it is limited by the forces march.  Risks assessments were discussed.  Stewards briefing will be done.

Could something happen in Queens Square prior to rally?  Several delegates agreed to this so about 10am in Queens Square.

Activity and public stalls, leafleting on Saturday 26th November.

10.30 – 12.30am– Bilston

10.30 – 12.30am– Wednesfield

Leaflets available for rally.  Own union leaflets for store plus 100 or so of the general November 30th leaflets.

7.30am – 28 & 29th November.  Railway, Bus station leafleting.

Placards to be placed on buildings that are closed.  Presence needed at North East Academy.  Bro. Kelleher needs details of where picket lines will be.

Adverts for Express and Star  4 – ½ page adverts on 26/28/29/30th November.  Final one will not mention rally.  Including 3 articles is a good idea.  Need to mention Private as well as Public pensions.

There has been an apparent lack of support from our local Labour MPs.

Photographs needed for website.  Need to plan what comes after 30th November strike action.  Need private sector to be involved next time.

We need a Publicity Officer.  Unions to include mention of rally in their press release.  Local radio also discussed.  Need to keep each other appraised of the situation.




WolverhamptonAgainst Cuts

No report




Delegates Workplace Reports

Consultation of closure of Police stations at night.  Budget meeting regarding savings at City Council is forth coming.  Money from reserves will be spent.  More section 188 notices.

Savings on Youth Services to be “run” by voluntary sector. Lobby in February.




MidlandsTUC Report

Meeting was little over ½ hour long.  Bro. Kelleher asked why Chainmakers’ and March for Alternative publicity so late.  Public leafleting in Derby Town Centre, 5000 distributed.




Secretary’s Report

Thank you card to K. Purchase from Bro. Rahimi after receiving compensation from the Home Office.  Bro Rahimi will provide the beer for the Christmas celebrations.

£50 May Day cheque from Unite 5/836 located. Bookings for 1st May to be followed up.





Fund raising activity – 10th December.  Lobby of parliament 23rd November.










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