November 2014

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council Minutes 20 November 2014



Present: Sis. Taylor (CYW-UNITE) Bros. Turner, Everall, Deacon & Kelleher (UNISON Gen), Rahimi(UNITE), Childs (CWU), Grant (UCU)

Apologies: Bros. Juss (GMB), MacMillian (CWU), S Grant (NUT), Marris (UNITE), Thomas (Community) Sis. Halfpenny (NUT), Battell (NASUWT), Ceresa & Brealey (UNISON)

Minutes of last delegate meeting (October) agreed, with Matters Arising:

1. apologies from Bro J Grant.

3b13. Secretary to write to Pat McFadden asking why he did not vote to recognise Palestine.

3c6. Report of 18 Oct demo to be sent to Midlands TUC

4a. Bro.Purchase raised issues from speaker re CAB cuts to deaf services and correspondence was passed on.

4d.TTIP mailing group and Institute of Economic Rights – EC to look at affiliation.






correspondence of note – (no EC meeting)

  1. Midlands TUC Womens’ Committee – 22 November White Ribbon day has been postponed until March – contact new officers of committee

  2. Greig Campbell, Project Coordinator of the HLFfunded ‘In the Shadow of Elisabeth’ (ITSOE) project, exploring the unionfight to save Bilston Steelworks.

  3. Pat McFadden MP agreed to attend parliamentary debate on NHS bill 21st November and wrote re Action for Rail expressing Labour’s policies, but no mention of re-nationalisation.

  4. TUC advice on lobby Act affect on our campaigning

  5. TUC new model rules for trades union councils – noted

  6. TUC is coordinating Decent Jobs Week from 15-19 of December – how would we engage public?

  7. Hazards 2015 sponsorship appeal £25 agreed & Unite Against fascism re-affiliation £50 agreed

  8. UCATT demonstration regarding the immoral use of Umbrella Companies Birmingham 26thNovember – details on our website

  9. Cuba Solidarity – for the 23rd consecutive year the United Nations (188 countries)

  10. 5,000 page views last month; 70% seeking info on minimum wage

  11. Midland CND rethink Trident agreed to sign statement

  12. £153.50 paid to us by WMCATUC for trades union council expenses; £175 for cancelled coach paid; sent TU Friends of Searchlight re-affiliation £30 and Justice for Columbia affiliation £60; £100 to UNISON towards Oct 18 demo

  13. invitations to speak to be sent: Midlands TUC Regional Secretary Lee Barron – to be invited plus need to brief re CATUC; FBU – Time to take over Energy Companies; and Connolly Association

  14. Midlands TUC Pensioners Network agreed to nominate Bro. Deacon when forms arrive

delegates’ workplace reports -UNISON – council lobby by neighbourhood wardens Nov 5th. 35 hour week and increment freeze threat has been withdrawn. Sick pay no under attack by labour council. Old Tree Nursery workers raised a 2,000 strong petition on top of postcard campaign. Between 600 and 1,000 jobs have already been lost. Very few senior managers in council are from or live locally and have no loyalty to the city. Local authority Education decimated. A future discussion for us? Some money was saved after a UNITE suggestion to refinance some loans.

Secretary’s report – NHS workers in England will be striking again 4hours on 24 November and taking action short of a strike for the rest of the week over pay.

Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign: Iron Wall – free film show @ Friends’ Meeting House, Friday 28th November – Divest Israel from WM Pensions fund campaign, model letters distributed and put on website





























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