Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Report for November 2020
info@wolvestuc.org.uk Wolverhampton TUC on Facebook www.wolvestuc.org.uk
next Wolverhampton TUC Delegate meeting Thursday 19th November 7-15pm speaker at 8pm all welcome via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83964543300 Meeting ID: 839 6454 3300
TUC Midlands Equalities Conference – Saturday 21 November 11am register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GSq12FwtQkqmEZM51nfHgQ
Asbestos conference, Friday 27 November, 9.30am Despite the banning of asbestos in the UK, in 1999, the latest statistics continue to show that the dangers of asbestos are still with us and are likely to be for the foreseeable future. Today, asbestos is still used in large quantities in many parts of Asia, Eastern Europe and South America, while controlled use is still permitted in the USA and Canada https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/asbestos-real-and-present-danger-tickets-120991084591
massive hike in Wolverhampton unemployment
- Oct 20 – 16,940 people in Wolverhampton are unemployment claimants = 10.4% (English average 6.3%) is the highest in the West Midlands and up from 5.9% (9,650) a year before.
- 3,350 young people 18-24 are unemployed here 15.7%, with male unemployment in this age group at 18.5% (it stood at 10%, a year before)
#SaveUnionLearning –The Tory government has decided to cut the £11m adult education scheme Union Learning Fund (ULF) funding at the end of the financial year in March 2021. In response, Midlands TUC has launched the public campaign to #SaveUnionLearning. The ULF offers union members training in maths, English and IT, was first set up by the Blair government in 1998 and trains a quarter of a million people a year. NOW WE NEED YOUR HELP! The core action for the public campaign is to get people to sign the petition. https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/uk-gov-don-t-cut-union-learning
PCS petition for fair pay for all UK government workers still needs still needs 22,000 signatures by 24th January to trigger a parliamentary debate. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/328754
USDAW petition against abuse of shop workers https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/328621 still needs 30,000 signatures by 24th January to trigger a parliamentary debate.
#BLM: Would mandatory use of body cams make the police more likely to treat the public decently and equitably? Video on our website www.wolvestuc.org.uk of discussion with Simon Foster Police & Crime Commissioner candidate
Latest newsletter from umbrella group Health Campaigns Together https://healthcampaignstogether.com
Spycops public enquiry has begun latest updates http://campaignopposingpolicesurveillance.com
Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill would allow spies and informers to be authorised to commit criminal acts with no limits specified. https://policespiesoutoflives.org.uk/campaigns/chis-bill/
Freedom for Ocalan campaign meeting – Thursday 17th December Wolverhampton TUC zoom meeting at 8pm; Abdullah Ӧcalan is the imprisoned leader of the Kurdish liberation movement and the campaign is in solidarity with both his and the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom from over a century of brutal repression and genocide.
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