WB&DTUC October 2010 Secretary’s Report
Tues 19th October Public services lobby of Parliament ring 554095 immediately, to book place on transport
next WB&DTUC meeting Thurs 21st October 7-15pm Civic Centre
speaker, Cnllr Roger Lawrence is on early at 7.30pm, so don’t be late!
Cradley Women Chainmakers’ centenary of victory rally
Saturday October 23rd 1pm – 4:30pm
Salvation Army Hall, Meredith Street, Cradley Heath B64 5EP
People's Charter conference Saturday October 23rd with Tony Benn, John Hendy QC & Chris Baugh, PCS speaking + workshops; 10am – 4pm Council House, Victoria Sq .B’ham
Wed 27th October National Pensioners Convention lobby of Parliament
Public Services Demo @ Birmingham Tory party conference – up to 10,000 braved the rain
Good public support for local campaign:
UNISON, UNITE, NUT, NASUWT and ATL members leafleted shoppers and collected signatures in Bilston, Wednesfield and Wolverhampton centres.
UNISON members assisted service users of Oxley and Stowheath Day Training Centres collect signatures for a petition to the council in protest of charges being introduced to attend their learning disability day centres. TV & radio coverage.
Kick Racism Out of Football leaflet of Wolves FC, was organised via Hope Not Hate
victimised Unite rep electrician Steve Acheson (a previous speaker at our meeting). After another very long campaign, his Employment Tribunal agreed that the refusal of employment was because of trade union activity.
It did not uphold the redundancy as a false redundancy due to union activities – they seem to have accepted that it was unfair, but not proven to be down to trade union activities. He still has other legal cases including ET cases against major construction companies who are proven to have paid the blacklisting Consulting Association.
Available at meeting, in time for Xmas!!
Our latest range of stylish anti-fascist t-shirts, hats, anti-Thatcher CD, May Day polo shirts and
2 new mugs – a Union=Safety mug
and a trades council design
Or visit www.wolvestuc.org.uk if you can’t wait!
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