Sexual Harassment advice and tackling ONLINE Hate crime



Tackling ONLINE Hate crime

Sexual harassment – available resources for unions

For affiliates and workplaces

  • TUC report (2016) “Still Just a Bit of Banter?” showing that over half of those we spoke to have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. This is where you will find our asks for government and employers to tackle sexual harassment at work, as well as our asks for unions;
  • “You’re Not Alone: Speak to Your Union Rep Today” is a new workplace poster to raise awareness of trade unions in addressing sexual harassment the workplace.
  • An updated “Know Your Rights” booklet “Protection from Sexual Harassment”. This is a free leaflet to inform workers about their rights when they experience sexual harassment. (Only currently available online)

For reps

  • An e-learning note for reps which looks at addressing sexual harassment in the workplace and how to support members. Again this can be accessed at (requires a log in) please contact Anna Kalsi if you have any questions.
  • There will be a webinar on Thursday 14th December with a half hour session on the report findings and what unions can do to address sexual harassment in the workplace. It is aimed at reps but anyone can join in or watch after.

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