Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Delegate Minutes 21 September 2017
@Unite Office, 6 Victoria Square, Wolverhampton
1. Present Sis Taylor (UNITE) Simm (PCS) Weaver (UNISON Gen) Gregory (visitor) Bro Kelleher, Turner, Deacon, Pugh (UNISON Gen), Royale, Stoll (UNISON) Brackenridge (LP/FBU) Simm (PCS), Baker, Foxall, Coates, Renshaw, Chadwick, Rahimi (UNITE), Childs (CWU). Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors
2. Minutes of July Delegate Minutesagreed with correction £100 agreed towards Palestine demo transport 4 November. Matters Arising – follow up with Cnllr Hodgkiss re Tinplate workers’ plaque re-siting now overdue.
3. EC Report & Correspondence
(a) venue needed for Oct 19th public meeting with Anthony Molloy, Chair of the Labour Land Campaign to speak on Land Value Taxation Clarendon/LP offices? – requested via Bro.Marris LP joint meeting – response from LP; UNITE confirmed for Nov & Dec meetings
(b) union branches not affiliated this year that previously affiliated are no longer being sent paper mailings: UCU college, NASUWT, PCS West Mercia and CV branches, UNITE-CYW, UNISON Acute, Black Country Health branches. NK & MT to follow up with regional offices.
(c) Correspondence of note
1. TUCJCC Midlands rep nomination deadline 22 September -noted
2. coach Tory conf demo by UNITE 9-45am Sun 1st October Pipers Row – need to book
3. Cuba solidarity raffle tickets £10 sold, Hurricaine Irma appeal agreed £100 donation
4. Workers Beer Company – notification of BACS payment for festivals £2,082.50 raised; to send half to Morning Star £800 PPFF, £241.25 to PPPS (for adverts)
5. to send: Workers Beer Company letter re Payment £7/hour – issue was raised verbally with Battersea & Wandsworth TUC and WBC at Glastonbury
6. 24,900 UK page views on our website this month and 6,400 last month www.wolvestuc.org.uk; reach of just 200 on our facebook page in last month
7. sent: National Conversation on Immigration – outcome from meeting
8. Bob Deacon – re Wolverhampton Pride, corporate takeover this year, not LGBT organisation led, agreed not to publicise
9. Bob Deacon – re online hate crime advice from GALOP – add to website
10. Midlands TUC social media masterclass Thurs 2 Nov 10-30am TUC office, Summer La, Birmingham, booking online – have put on our Facebook page
11. to pay N.Kelleher £29.48 stamps
4. Reports:
a) delegate reports
UNISON – Bro Turner reported council seeking more vo;untary redundancies, further 500 job losses announced. More TUPE and restructures, very few services likely to be provided by council in future. TUC policy to have sprinklers in every school. New schools are often on two or more levels. Council H&S committees not performing well – new head of Safety appointed.
UNITE – Wolverhampton Homes H&S Committee working well.
FBU – Bro Brackenridge on post-Grenfell Scrutiny panel along with Bro Deacon. Only 2 of 18 tower blocks tested for cladding. New I10 building failed. Few tests done on schools.
PCS – Bro Simm Thompson solicitors preparing ET case; he was wished happy birthday.
b) anti-fascist demo follow up – Front page Ex & Star report. sent:Chief Superintendant, Council Leader, 3 local MPs re treatment of protestors of Britain First rally. Our actions and leadership had reduced tension but police action split counter demo which allowed increased tension with shoppers and then police had allowed Britain First back into centre of town. No responses so far except initial support from council leader. Bro Brackenridge followed up with council leader seeking Police Crime Commissioner response.
c) WBDTUC Secretary’s report – Bro Kelleher produced written report
d) TUC Pensioners’ Network – Bro Deacon bulletin being produced to go on our website
e) Palestine Solidarity – Bro. Deacon Wolverhampton meeting 14 Oct; national demo 4 Nov, £100 sponsorship to be paid
5. any other business -none
6. Public Meeting@7-30pm Shrewsbury 24 Campaign.
Speakers: Terry Renshaw (UCATT and youngest of the convicted pickets) & Harry Chadwick (UCATT) Shrewsbury 24 Campaign Chairperson reporting on.
£200 donation agreed for campaign, speakers paid own expenses. Books and badges were presented.
The initial plan to picket in the first and only national building strike was now 45 years ago and still no justice. The strike was sucessful but the state instigated a criminal trial with over 2,000 police and army guarding the court, more than needed for terrorists.
The Chief of Police Meredith cogratulated them on a “good days picket, safe journey home”; 5 months later come the arrests.
Successsive governments have extended the 30 year rule to deny access to crucial documents. The Labour Manifesto includes justie for the Shrewsbury 24 now.
Final statement of outcome of pickets’ appplication to the Criminal Cases Review Commission still awaited then decision to take to Judicial Review needs to be raised along with £150,000 guarantee.
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