September 2020

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Report for SEPTEMBER 2020 Wolverhampton TUC on Facebook

TUC Congress 2020 open to all trade unionists

Jobs, security, dignity

Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 September, in the mornings trade union members from across the UK will discuss the huge impact of coronavirus on working lives. Both afternoons fringe events take place; full details and registration on


next Wolverhampton TUC Delegate meeting via Zoom

Thurs 17th September 7-15pm

speaker at 8-15pm all welcome email for link

#BLM: Would mandatory use of body cams make the police more likely to treat the public decently and equitably?

speaker Simon Foster Police & Crime Commissioner candidate

Our Wolverhampton TUC discussion around #BlackLivesMatter identified that WMP officers have access to the latest body worn video cameras but only use them when they feel the need for the camera to be in use.

The discussion is to decide whether body cams should be on at all times or at least during all interactions with the public and not at the discretion of officers. We feel that this would make the police more likely to treat the public decently and equitably. It would also be evidence if any officers mistreat or act in a racially biased way.


National trades union councils zoom meeting of 28th July report on


Welcome to UNISON Staffordshire County Council who have affiliated their Wolverhampton based members to WB&DTUC.


West Midlands TUC Green recovery plan – TUC plan would mean more than 46,000 new green jobs for the West Midlands over next 2 years, full report on

Our Secretary, as the TUCJCC rep for Midlands(West) now has a place on the Midlands TUC Executive.


USDAW petition against abuse of shop workers – in response to continued growing assaults, threats and abuse against shopworkers and the doubling of such incidents during the coronavirus emergency, Usdaw General Secretary Paddy Lillis has launched a House of Commons petition calling on the Government to legislate to protect shopworkers. 

The petition got over 50,000 signatures in the first week and can be signed at

Usdaw continues to campaign for 100,000 signatures that should trigger a parliamentary debate.


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