TUC Campaign Plan 2019-20

In 2019-2020, the TUC and unions will:

  • lead the fight against any trade deals that put our NHS, public services, and workers’ rights at risk

  • campaign for an industrial strategy that tackles regional inequalities and delivers decent, sustainable jobs with good pay in all parts of the country

  • work with political leaders at a local and regional level, including Metro Mayors, to support great jobs and conditions at work

  • argue for an investment-first economy in the UK and internationally, where the ability to deliver great jobs and decent pay is the test of economic success

  • support efforts to tackle the climate emergency and ensure a just transition for workers

  • campaign for proper funding and investment in our public services: our schools, hospitals and councils. And for fair pay for public servants.

  • promote public ownership where it is the best way to provide high quality public services for users, protect employment standards and provide value for taxpayers.

  • set out how reforms to the way businesses are run can deliver higher productivity and decent jobs


In 2019–2020, the TUC and unions will:

– promote the TUC’s New Deal Charter

  • campaign for unions to be given new rights to access every workplace and set pay and conditions across industries through collective bargaining

  • – call for a ban on zero-hours contracts and false self-employment, support the genuinely self-employed and campaign for new rights in the digital economy

  • – fight for a national minimum wage of £10 per hour now, for decent pensions and for fair pay settlements, including for dedicated public servants

  • – call for a legal duty on public authorities to reduce inequality

  • – campaign against class discrimination, to end unpaid internships and work trials and promotion based on the ‘old school tie’; and for all jobs to be advertised openly, with their rate of pay

  • – stand up for equality and fair treatment at work for women, BME workers, LGBT workers, disabled workers and young workers, and help unions use collective bargaining to fight discrimination at work

  • – lead the call for shorter working hours, for a just transition to new technologies and the right to positive flexible working from day one of your job, with employers required to advertise all jobs on that basis

  • – help 250,000 workers access basic skills training and further education through unionlearn and campaign for a universal learning entitlement


In 2019–2020, the TUC and unions will:

– take on bad bosses who use undercutting to drive down pay and conditions

  • work with regional and local political leaders to push for more decent jobs in their areas and for a decent floor of rights for all workers and win a guaranteed rate for the job

  • – work with international partners to tackle the global threat of the far right, defend workers’ rights and build stronger unions

  • – deliver training to our reps on how to challenge far-right ideology in the workplace

  • – use our regional teams and brilliant network of reps and trade councils to support campaigns around the country

  • – learn from our WorkSmart pilot to build new on-line tools to help young people get on at work

  • – develop shared programmes towards digital transformation of our organisations, through the TUC Digital Lab

  • – ensure that every rep is a trained and confident by expanding our education programme, including online

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