venezuela solidarity campaign

Ten Years of Progress – No to US Intervention!
Thursday 3rd December 7pm. UNISON Regional Centre, 24 Livery Street, Birmingham, B3 2PA
Eglé Sanchez
Elias Rodriguez
Francisco Dominguez
In celebration and support of 10 years of social progress in Venezuela, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign is organising events across the country, supported by Unite the Union, UNISON  and Thompsons Solicitors.
Ten years of the Bolivarian revolution have seen almost unprecedented advances. Inside Venezuela there have been enormous reductions in infant mortality, illiteracy and poverty. Education at all levels has blossomed and free health care is available to all. A decade ago only 20% of Venezuelans had access to primary care.  
Abroad, Venezuela distinguishes itself by providing solidarity and practical support to the peoples of developing countries. ‘Operation Miracle’, for instance, run jointly with Cuba, has restored the sight of more than one million people across Latin America and Africa.
But Venezuela’s unflinching opposition to US power across the World and its challenge to the rule of the US-Venezuelan elite at home have earned President Hugo Chávez hate figure status in Washington. The coup of 2002 failed but the US is still intent on removing Chávez and reversing the revolution. It is gaining access to 7 new bases in neighbouring Colombia, with installations on the Venezuelan border. 
Eglé Sanchez is General Secretary of the Venezuelan Graphic, Print and Paper Workers’ Union (FEUTRAGRAPC). She is the organiser for, and representative of workers within, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, and received the May Day award for her Contribution to the revolution.
Elias Rodriguez is President of FEUTRAGRAPC and of the Trades Union Federation of Venezuela (CST).
Francisco Dominguez, survivor the coup in Chile, is Head of Latin American and Brazilian Studies at Middlesex University and Secretary of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign.
They will speak about the challenges and achievements of the last ten years, the way forward for Venezuela and the threat posed by the US and its regional allies. Francisco Dominguez will also talk about the coup in Honduras and the opposition to it.


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