MINUTES of 147th AGM – 20th January 2011
1. APOLOGIES and WELCOME – to delegates and visitors . 24 in ATTENDANCE
BROTHERS – Deacon, Auger, Rai, Turner, Fraser, Kelleher, Marriott plus one(UNISON Gen), Rahimi , Marris (UNITE), Thomas (Community), Cole, S Grant (NUT), J.Grant (UCU), Aldis (BVFS) SISTERS – Petford & Sebastian, (UNITE), Taylor (CYWU/UNITE), Ceresa, Sharkey, Brealey, Marriot (UNISON), Kelsey (CWU), Halfpenny (NUT).
2. MINUTES OF 2010 Annual General Meeting agreed; matters arising: after election of Bro.Clarke to councillors renumeration panel, comprehensive report produced was ignored by councillors.
3. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS – no money for Labour council. Attacks on NHS. 26th March demo important. Lib Dems will be in trouble over co-alition.
a) Secretary’s Report Brother Grant was commended for his TUC Silver badge. Thanks to the secretary for an excellent report ,hard work and leadership over the past year. TUCJCC reports sought from regional delegate. Bro.Rai questioned support for Morning Star and Bro.Kelleher explained that the Morning Star was the daily paper of the labour movement, uniquely reporting daily on trade union issues and the struggle of the working class. We have shares in the paper, send delegates to the Agm and decide its editorial policy.
b) Treasurer – Accounts were presented and showed good balance. They have been audited by Brother Turner. Thanks to Brother Grant for his excellent work.
a) President – Brother Cole & Sister Taylor nominated. Sis Taylor elected by secret ballot. Thanks were given to Brother Cole for his work serving as our President for the last 5 years.
b) Secretary – Brother Kelleher
c) Treasurer – Brother J Grant
d) Vice President – Brother Marris
e) Minutes Secretary – Sister Halfpenny
f) additional Executive Committee members – Sister Kelsey
g) Auditor – Brother Turner
h) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender TUC observer, no nominations j) Women’s TUC observer, no nominations k) Black workers’ TUC observer, no nominations
k) Disability TUC observer , no nominations
l) West Midlands County Association of Trades Union Councils – Sister Taylor elected; 3 vacancies.
m) Trades Union Councils Annual Conference – Peterborough – 14th/15th May 2011, no nomination
n.b. The sad death of Mary Simpson chair of WMCATUC and an active trade unionist in Coventry was remembered. A floral tribute was agreed for the funeral
6) WB&DTUC change to rule 5
“5) Composition of Executive Committee …… At meetings of the Executive Committee seven elected members, including Officers, shall form a quorum.”
Replace “seven” with “three”. AGREED UNANIMOUSLY
Brother Turner spoke about redundancies due to funding streams being discontinued. 246 are currently affected – such services as Street Wardens. There is a need to lobby the next full council meeting on 2nd February 2011. People in communities are still unaware of the impact cuts will have on them. There was a successful stall in Bilston last weekend and over 150 letters were sent to various MPs. Next weekend will campaign in Wednesfield from 11 to 1 o’clock. Coaches from Wolverhampton organised for 26th March 2011 to support the TUC anti cuts campaign.
LEN ALDIS, Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society Spoke about Vietnam’s trade unions and about Agent Orange.
The main work concerned justice for victims of Agent Orange, herbicide used during the Vietnam war to devastating effect. Contact made through the national TUC. Population 87 million – literacy rate 93%. Affiliated to the Federation of Labour Women’s Union Branches throughout Vietnam. Vietnam trade unions are affiliated internationally but there are poor connections with the UK apart from UCATT. By developing friendship there will be solidarity and understanding. 23rd January will be the 38th anniversary of the signing of the Paris negotiation that led to the end of the Vietnam War. The level of bombing was horrendous two and a half times as many bombs as those used in World War 2. It is hoped there will be exchange visits between British Trade Unionists and the Vietnamese. Agent Orange was sprayed for 10 years and cluster bombs also It is the fiftieth year of the use of Agent Orange since 1961. Victims and families have received no compensation. It has caused abnormal births, illnesses and deformities which continue to this day. Many need 24 hour attention. Money raised by the British-Vietnamese Friendship Society goes to the Vietnamese Red Cross to help the disabled. Important for Trade Union Branches to make links with Vietnam. Trade Union links could improve or change attitudes to human rights and numbers of prisoners, and still executions.
It was agreed that £50 should go to support the Red Cross work with Agent Orange victims and £50 to the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society. The speaker was presented with the Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Union Council history.
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