Delegate Minutes Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Thursday 15th December 2022
- Welcome & introductions to delegates, visitors. Present(delegates listed in bold): Penny Welch UCU Wolverhampton University, Bob Deacon UNISON City of Wolverhampton; Michael Vaughan UNISON Staffs; Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372; Di Weaver UNITE WM/5203; Zahid Ali & Ali Rahimi UNITE Community; Nick Kelleher, John Clarke, John Oakley UNITE WM/6150; Graham Childs CWU, Dick Scroop UNISON, Stuart Richardson NEU
apologies: Clare Simm PCS, Warinder Juss GMBx13; Tim Martin Musicians’ Union; Steve Smith RMT, Aiden Byrne, Rob Marris UNITE WM/6150, John Grant UCU College, Greg Brackenridge FBU - Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (November) agreed; Matters Arising no progress on case of Indian student, contacted by IWA about possible public meeting in Wolverhampton – suggested not good idea without a purpose for meeting
- EC Report and correspondence of note:
a) 2023 registration fees paid by NEU and MU, will send out affiliation and officer nomination requests again to branches before our AGM in January.
b) CATUCs NK raised at TUCJCC with regard to national consultation on NK suggestion of ability of Trades councils to send motions directly to trades councils national conference.
c) Kier Hardie greeting cards –available at £1-50ea
d) Institute of Employment Rights new publication on the attacks on trade unions – Workers’ Rights in Times of Crisis here free: see also
e) £300 donation received to us from Wolverhampton ASLEF branch, recognising strike solidarity shown by delegates. Thanks sent.
f) Abortion Rights – Measures introduced as a response to the pandemic in March 2020, to allow abortion pills to be taken at home, have cut abortion waiting times from 10.7 days to 6.5 days and that the majority of patients in the UK also prefer the option of at-home abortions. EMAIL your MP to stop the government trying to roll back access to at-home abortions, Take five minutes to let your MP know that you disagree with this by using our template letter. In a move that has been condemned by abortion providers and campaigners, this is the latest twist in the tail from an anti-choice government, hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. e.g. those living in refuges - Reports, strike updates and discussion:
a) Wolverhampton #DemandBetter CWU/RMT/TSSA/TUC strike rally 14 Dec on the CWU picket line in the snow had a huge turnout of 150. CWU, RMT, ASLEF, GMB, TSSA speakers plus Bishop with messages of support received from Mick Lynch RMT, Mick Whelan ASLEF, Jo Grady UCU, Ian Hodson BFAWU, Sam Tarrry MP and Orgreave Truth & Justice. Facebook advert for it was refused.
b) delegate reports and strike updates from:
ASLEF the train drivers’ union went on strike on Saturday 26 November. ASLEF are striking to achieve a pay increase that is higher than the 2% on offer.
CWU have continued to take strike action in Wolverhampton this and last month including 48 hours ending today and 48 hrs before Xmas Day. Pleased with how rallies went and pickets upbeat.
RMT Railworkers have two 48hr strikes in next week, more in new year. Cleaners striking new year’s eve at Oxley. Train managers on Avanti West Coast took strike action on 20 November in a row over the imposition of rosters expecting them to work 53hr week.
UCU took three days strike action at the end of November. The strike rally which our trades union council helped organise with UCU and CWU had an excellent turnout and was well covered in the Ex & Star; speakers also from ASLEF, RMT, CWU, UNITE.
UNITE Arrow XL delivery drivers dispute now all out strike in Worcester
c) TUCJCC and Secretary report – Nick Kelleher circulated
d) TUC Pensioners Network – Bob Deacon TUC Pensioners minutes (£13.45 rail fare), and insulation retrofit document – send to council
e) Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Barclays campaign run successfully in Queens Sq; Puma campaign 21 Jan; 10 Feb public meeting planned on olive picking in Palestine. Violence against Palestinian farmers has increased dramatically over the last 5 years, perpetrated by Israeli illegal settlers; next protest last Tuesday January, then each month at Shenstone factory supplying arms to Israeli firm Elbit. - any other business none
- speaker at 8pm: Zahid Ali (UNITE) gave a visual presentation and spoke on outcome of court cases of protesters against sales of arms to Elbit which are then used to kill Palestinians. Palestine Action group started in July 2020 around community organising and direct action. Over 250 arrests of their activists since but so far only two prosecuted with minor non-custodial sentences. A number of court cases however are pending, some of which will he heard in Wolverhampton in early 2023. They have been involved with closing down the Oldham factory and a London office as well as protests and camps at Shenstone in S.Staffs. At the former Norton motorcycle factory of drone-makers UAV Engines. Protests have included occupying roofs of factories manufacturing arms for Israel, allegedly damaging roofs and windows. Many locals including at Shenstone are supportive.