A (retiring) woman’s place? In her union

Wednesday 11 March, 1pm

47 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3TH

Work is a huge part of our lives and, in many ways, shapes the rhythms of our weeks, months and years. Moving into retirement is a huge change. A chance to do new things for sure, a time of adventure indeed. But also a time of change and something that we need to think about.


But one thing is clear, retirement shouldn’t mean the end of your involvement with your union.

Retired members have a huge wealth of experience to give to their union. And what’s more, you can help to ensure the issues affecting retired union members are addressed.

As part of the TUC Midlands ‘Women at Work Week” we are hosting a tea and cake party for women who have retired, or are coming up to retirement to discuss how they can best stay involved in both their union’s activities and the wider TUC in their retirement.

Join us on Wednesday 11 March at 1.00pm

REGISTER BY EMAIL TO mkesterton@tuc.org.uk

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