Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council 2019 AGM Minutes
Thursday 17 January 2019
Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors + apologies
Graham Childs CWU, Warinder Juss GMB, Tim Martin MU, Clare Simm PCS, Bob Simm PCS, Grace Millar UCU University, John Grant UCU, Bob Deacon, Chris Cooper, Ade Turner, Chris Pugh, Jane Ceresa, Jayne Weaver UNISON City of Wolverhampton, Nick Kelleher, Nick Hall, Rob Marris UNITE 6150, Marie Taylor UNITE, Mick Foxhall Unite W’ton Homes, Stuart Baker UNITE, Mick UNITE, Ali Rahimi, Zahid Ali UNITE Community
Apologies: Sis Whyte UNISON, Sis Dixon UNISON, J. Foxhall UNITE
Minutes of 2018 AGM Meeting – Minutes agreed no matters arising.
President’s Address given by Marie Taylor
Warinder added that GMB would be holding Amazon protest on Valentine’s day.
Report agreed by meeting.
EC report and additional Correspondence Nick Kelleher
Attendance continues to rise with meetings planned through to March. Next month speaker Police Spies out of Lives campaign. At least 20 women have been subject to long term relationships with undercover officers. Exec agreed to buy books (Undercover) to hand out to members. Marches speaker will be Anne Marie Kilcline with a number of others planned for the future.
Heart Unions campaigning will take place February 9th and 10th at 10.30 at Wednesfield and Bilston markets respectively. New leaflets have been tested and 500 can be printed for £40. 330 Red Carnations ordered and Tim Martin of Musicians Union has agreed to perform at MU Rate.
Workers Memorial day was successful despite the weather and Bro Pugh has been asked to speak at WMD 2019 Roy Rickuss has also been asked.
Transportation has been organised for various Demonstrations in London.
The meeting noted the sad passing away of Stuart Grant and that he will be greatly missed.
Chainmakers’ leaflets are already out.
Shrewsbury Pickets have been invited to speak due to landmark progress in case.
It is noted that this years Anti Tory march will take place in Manchester at Conservative party conference.
Updates were given on the WZ packaging dispute and the Birmingham homecare workers dispute. A donation has been made to the latter.
PSC have been very active in last year with demonstrations outside HSBC ( Bob Deacon noted they would be starting again this coming Saturday)
With regards to fundraising for the first time in 20 years there were no music festivals to work at and we will find out where to go this year as we need to raise more funds.
Marie Taylor asked for it to be put on record that we thank Stuart and Unite for all the support in 2018 and to thank Brother Kelleher for all he does for the Trades Council. Meeting agreed and report accepted.
Treasurer’s Report John Grant
An explanation of accounts was given noting a difference of £20.20. Accounts have been audited and signed off. Adrian added the need to resume work with the Workers Beer Company and Bob Deacon suggested asking for greater donations from branches. Rob Marris noted that we were only down because our dispute helped gain a 14% pay rise for people with the Workers Beer Company.
Nominations received from UNITE WM6150 & UNISON City were agreed: President (Chair) Marie Taylor UNITE; Vice-President Rob Marris UNITE WM/6150; Secretary Nick Kelleher UNITE WM/6150; Treasurer John Grant UCU; Asst Sec. Bob Simm PCS; Executive Paulette Whyte (UNISON City) . Additional Elections for equality conference. Nobody for Womens Officer, Young Workers, Black, Disability or LGBT. Bob Simm was nominated for Regional TUC delegate. Bob Deacon nominated for Pensioners. Bob Simm Agreed to attend TUC Conference and Grace to join WB&DTUC Exec committee. Adrian was elected Auditor.
Urgent Reports -TUC Pensioners Network Bob Deacon
Pensioners are no longer receiving free TV Licence. The government took it away and left the BBC to fund it. The BBC did so through a grant from DWP but this is coming to an end. 12 February Age UK Petition and meeting with three Wolverhampton MPs about it. Strategy is to get it out of hands of DWP and into those of Arts and Culture. Circulate petition on social media.
Meeting came to an end and played short Film The Plan which trades council helped to fund. 1976 Lucas Aerospace shop stewards’ innovative designs for future non-military production.
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