April 2019

MINUTES Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council Delegate Meeting Thursday 18th April 2019

  1. Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors present + apologies

Present: Bro Kelleher UNITE, Rahimi UNITE, Childs CWU, Simm PCS, Deacon UNISON, Marris UNITE, Humble PCS, Jelic UCU, Baker UNITE, Scroop UNISON, Beuno UNISON, one other visitor, Sis Ceresa UNISON, Dixon UNISON, Taylor UNITE, Simm PCS, Miller UCU, Kelsey CWU, Mercedes

Apologies: Bro Hill UNITE, Juss GMB, Pugh UNISON, Grant UCU, Taylor UNITE, Foxhall UNITE, Martin MU Sis Momenabadi Community

  1. Minutes of March delegate meeting & matters arising

Minutes Agreed. Matters Arising: Bro Kelleher, Point 13, Unite Demo in Swindon for Honda Workers, took the WB&DTUC Banner. Mainly locals in attendance. GMB Report, Invite to Andy Street as speaker was not carried and should be removed from record, since only delegates from affiliated branches could vote. Bro Baker added UNITE would still welcome platform for for Andy Street as need to take to task over HS2 contracts. Bro Kelleher and Sis Taylor both stated that as Andy Street is not TU supporter it would not be an appropriate platform. UNITE have not formally invited.

  1. EC report and Correspondence

WB&DTUC Executive Committee REPORT 13th March 2019 Bro Kelleher

2) Wodenstock. About 20% funded. Propose a £200 donation from WB&D TUC. Agreed. TUC have been promised free publicity in Wednesfield. All donations need to be received by 7th July. Delegates are encouraged to take flyers and share at meetings and on social media. Bro Deacon requested a crib sheet of how to describe event.

1) Rules. Main alterations are to do with TU ACT and to increase affiliations from 10p per member to 12p. Bro Deacon asked why only 12p as is below inflation. Bro Marris and Kelleher explained 12p is 20% rise and 12.5p would be 25% and too steep. To be decided at May Delegate meeting.

3) Workers Beer company have offered 4 places at Tolpuddle Festival which have been filled. There is possibility of Metallica at Slane Castle if anyone wants to work it.

4) Workers Memorial Day. Delegates are encouraged to take leaflets and circulate widely. Thompsons paid print costs of £38 in return for advert. Facebook advertising will cost £10. Wreath is being homemade, Oasis £7.

5) May Day. 7,500 colour flyers have arrived and 45% have already been delivered. Meet up at Pegasus on coming Saturday and Sunday at 10:30. Meet up on Tuesday to set up at Pegasus 7pm. Publicise widely. £20 has been spent on advertising and still around £500 short of funds. Requests for funding have been sent to unions and £1025 raised so far.

6) Affiliations. Since last month, UCU (University) and PCS (Birmingham DWP). Also received Community Craft, ASLEF, Musicians Union, NEU, RMT, Unison City Branches, Unite WM6150, Unite W’ton Homes. Other branches have been re-sent forms by post/email.

7) Chain Makers Festival. The event will last all day but has been moved from Cradley Heath High Street to Mary Macarthur Gardens. The event will be more expensive and Midlands TUC have requested donations. £100 proposed and carried. Bro Marris suggested we write a letter to committee re our reservations on the move to the gardens. Sis Kelsey said letter would have to be received by 14th May as she sits on Committee.


  1. Reports

  1. PCS Sis Simm. Ballots are coming in over further strike action. Apps are being used to see which branches are over 50% and response looks positive.

  2. Midlands TUC Report Bro Simm. Printed report provided but highlighted speaker from Period Power Campaign, 14 year old Kyri Ermoyenous. Excellent speaker and camapaign. Also speaker Anthony Hayes from TUC with campaign to reach young workers in the workplace. Introduced conference to Megaphone.org.uk organising website. All motions in booklet were passed and our own Sis Kelsey was voted in as Mids TUC Womens Officer.

  3. Secretary’s Report Bro Kelleher. Megaphone have already contacted Trades Council. Reiterated importance of spreading word of events on social media and at meetings.

  4. May Day Committee Bro Kelleher. Appealed to all delegates to help with distribution of leaflets.

  5. Wodenstock. Already covered.

  6. Midlands TUC Pensioners Network Bro Deacon. Newsletter was circulated but nothing further to report.

  7. Wolverhampton PSC Bro Deacon. Nothing new to report, Demonstration on 11th May Coaches will pick up from Birmingham.


  1. Speaker Dr Francisco Dominguez, National Secretary for Venezuela Solidarity Campaign gave a report of the gains of the Bolivarian revolution and current US backed attempts to overthrow the elected socialist government. Britain has seized £1billion of Venezuelan gold reserves. Agreed to send more info for delegates to read.

5a Vote on affiliation to VSC, Carried after debate.


Meeting Ends.

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