April 2022

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report

www.wolvestuc.org.uk info@wolvestuc.org.uk

Thursday 21st April @ 8pm
speaker John Dunn of the Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign – all welcome
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89584137514?pwd=OVJUcjh6WXFuT0I0c1ZQRHNjUUtxUT09
Meeting ID: 895 8413 7514 Passcode: 060607 Campaign’s site https://otjc.org.uk/

Thursday 28th April 12.30pm at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree, Cenotaph, St Peters Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1TS speakers Marie Taylor WBDTUC,
Cnllr Clare Simm PCS, Di Weaver UNITE, Alan Hooper RMT, Mish Rahman Labour national executive, John Welsby Industrial chaplain Black Country Urban Industrial Mission. There will also be wreath laying at the Workers Memorial Day Tree
Please stay safe and we request at this event you wear a mask and socially distance. If you feel ill please don’t come but follow the event on social media.

usevoteThurs 5 May Wolverhampton Council Elections – the deadline to register to vote is April 14, with the deadline to apply to vote by post at 5pm April 19 and by proxy at 5pm April 25.

7pm Fri 13th May – Launch of new research into the historical links of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire and the Black Country with transatlantic enslavement. With author Dr Angelina Osborne MBE & Roger McKenzie Gen Sec of Liberation – all welcome
full details on https://wolvestuc.org.uk/researcher/ including a link to download the research

Thanks to branches that have so far re-affiliated for 2022:
ASLEF, Community, CWU, FBU, MU, RMT, UCU Wolverhampton College, UNISON City of Wolverhampton, UNISON University, UNISON Sandwell, UNISON Staffordshire, UNITE WM/6150, UNITE WM/5203 (Ret Mem), UNITE LE/372
affiliation form at https://wolvestuc.org.uk/affiliating-to-wolverhampton-tuc-2022/

Wolverhampton RMT strike
RMT cleaners held a fourth two-day strike with pickets at the Jones Road, Oxley Depot on Saturday 9th April and Sunday 10th April – several of our delegates attended these pickets.

Grand Theatre patrons of Jimmy Carr show were leafleted on Easter Sunday by the new Wolverhampton Friends of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people along with WBDTUC delegates.