Friends of GRT

 Mass Murder in the Holocaust is no joke!

Jimmy Carr made a horrific offensive remark about mass murder of the Roma and Sinti people in the holocaust in a pay-per-view broadcast currently airing.
The newly formed Wolverhampton Friends of Gypsy, Roma and Travellers along with Wolverhampton TUC leafleted the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton where Jimmy Carr (comedian) performed Sunday 17th April 2022 to help urge Carr not to direct his voice against a vulnerable community subject to racism and who suffered the full horror of the holocaust. His offensive quote has been widely reported on the internet so no need to add it again here.
The broadcast then shows laughter and clapping from the audience after the hate speech.

He has been unrepentant since despite widespread criticism.

Wolverhampton’s Grand Theatre seems to be condoning it too:
They have rebranded the show’s name from “Dark Material” to “Terribly Funny”.
The Grand Theatre is advertising his performance as “Jimmy’s brand new show contains jokes about all kinds of terrible things. Terrible things that might have affected you or people you know and love. But
they’re just jokes – they are not the terrible things. Having political correctness at a comedy show is like having health and safety at a rodeo.”

Billy Welch, a Gypsy leader,  said the comedian’s joke was offensive in part because of the legacy of trauma after between 200,000 and 2 million Romany and Sinti gypsies (up to half of Europe’s population) were murdered in the Holocaust. “There are many still living who witnessed the brutality of what happened, and many more who lost their families in barbarous and sadistic murders. Making a joke of it is too painful,” he said.