Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Delegate Minutes Thursday 20th April 2023 Zoom
- Present: Warinder Juss GMBx13; Penny Welch, UCU Wolverhampton University; Paulette Whyte, Lee Booker UNISON City of Wolverhampton; Michael Vaughan UNISON Staffordshire; Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372; Nick Kelleher, John Clarke, John Oakley & Rob Marris UNITE WM/6150; Carol Hyatt, Ali Rahimi UNITE Community. Apologies Tim Martin, Edda Nicolson, Bob Deacon, Clare Simm, Dane Cross, Di Weaver
- Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (March) agreed, no Matters Arising
- EC Report – items of note:
- 2023 affiliations to WB&DTUC no affiliations since last month, all have been contacted. Awaiting: FBU, GMB X13, PCS (Black Country), RMT, UNISON Wolverhampton University, UNITE WM7132(Buses), and payment for UNITE WM 5115. Also: Community, UCU College, NASUWT, TSSA, UNISON Acute(New Cross). Form at https://wolvestuc.org.uk/affiliating-to-wolverhampton-tuc-2023/
- Discussed future possible arrangements for hybrid meetings [checked with UNITE office now being used , but need officer to open/close. UNISON has new office with hybrid, not checked if available evenings]
- Mick Lynch contacted us re Gregor Gall book. He said it was unauthorised and he did not want it publicised. We immediately removed the podcast that we produced, and took down the webpage from our site. He thanked us.
- Workers Memorial Day12-30pm Friday 28 April @ Workers’ Memorial Day Tree by Cenotaph, Civic Plaza. Theme “Safety for Workers is Safety for the Public” Lych Gate afterwards – we need to book upstairs/order 20 cobs. Flyers available. Press release to be sent and wreath to be made
- May 1st – speakers/entertainment confirmed. 6000 Leaflets have arrived (for £93). FB advert to be placed. leafleting agreed: Sat 22nd April 10-30am and 3-30pm, food @Gill’s from 5pm – social meet for delegates Sun 23rd 10-30am Sat 29th 10-30am and 3-30pm, food @Gill’s from 5pm – social meet for delegates Sun 30th 10-30am Stalls confirmed – Amnesty, Stand Up to Racism, Palestine Solidarity, Morning Star, CND, UNISON, Wolverhampton TUC. Offers made to UNITE Community and LP Collection for strikers benefit? Agreed RMT Cleraners Written to unions for funds for event – Budget now £2000; need £900 still needed. Decoration/set up for event night before if possible-check For stalls 6-15 to 6-45pm when doors open for public.
- Sun 30 April Cannock and Mon 8 May Bescot(Walsall J9) counter-protest against far right
- enslavement links project – no progress.
- https://strikemap.org/ affiliation request @£50 – agreed invite to future meeeting to discuss operation of site
- Dealing with trolls at online meetings – for first time, at last meeting someone was offensively private messaging some other attendees. He was removed only later, after making disruptive remarks. Agreed to turn off chat function in future to avoid future problems and chatting which wouldn’t happen at a physical meeting.
- Working Class Movement annual donation £25 agreed; 100x 2nd class stamps purchased (£75) Affiliation to be sent: International Brigades memorial Trust £30
- Remembering Stephen Lawrence – The legacy and way forward: The Liberation Movement and The Monitoring Group public meeting Tue, 25 Apr 2023 7pm Zoom register for the meeting on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/remembering-stephen-lawrence-the-legacy-and-way-forward-tickets-611518788157 Paulette will give report on meeting with Neville Lawrence next meeting
- stall offer accepted, volunteers needed at Chainmakers 1st July to help staff our stall. Transport from Wolverhampton available
4. delegate reports and strike updates:
upcoming strikes: PCS, RMT train operating company workers and also cleaners, UCU University staff and CWU still in dispute but no dates for further strikes currently
ASLEF – report received fromfrom Si Goode -3rd ballot bringing us into line with legislation for 6 month mandate to take industrial action.
Circular calling for 3rd ballot also includes call for action over company demanding a GP fit note for first 7 days of any sickness related absence
Further update tomorrow from our Full Time Officer as regards any proposal nationally that is going to be put on the table. Further meeting nationally next week with rail industry recovery group. Dispute update meeting next week.
CWU – talks broke down earlier this month
GMB – Warinder Juss reported on Amazon strikes this week and in next few days. Recruitment at Coventry and other depots running high enough for recognitoin ballots soon.
NEU teachers will be striking at schools and sixth form colleges in England on Thursday 27 April and Tuesday 2 May – awaiting branch committee meeting re our offer of help
RMT Sun 7 May benefit for strikers Birmingham 12-30-7pm – Cleaners were on strike this month but Wolverhampton wasn’t listed – update has been requested
UCU – Penny Welch reported that latest pay offer was rejected in a ballot by members. Work to rule continues and a marking and assessment boycott is planned. Well organised at Wolverhampton UCU. Strikes unlikely near end of term. Student groups supportive still locally and nationally.
UNISON – EC ballot underway, pay ballot to follow
UNITE – VICTORY for 3,300 UNITE Bus Drivers and Engineers at National Express who brought the transport system to a halt with a continuous all out strike from 20 March to 25 March. They won an improved offer of 16.2% backdated to 1st Jan plus improved accident pay, overtime and Christmas/new year payments. Wolverhampton pickets of 300+, morale high, links made.
Carol Hyatt reported on UNITE Community event planned in support of NHS in Walsall. Fire right trying to link into anti-vaxers and anti 15-minute urban village campaigns
10 yearly Political Fund ballot 1-22 May Rob Marris urged all Unite members to vote yes. EC ballot underway.
Midlands TUC AGM – Di Weaver was elected to EC as our rep, Nick is co-opted as TUCJCC rep. UCU and NASUWT not taken up seats on EC. Speakers included Eileen Turnbull on her new Shrewsbury 24 book and GMB Amazon workers. MU/Equity/Bectu alliance with Midlands TUC had gained a Memorandum of Understanding at Commonwealth Games for paying living wage to paid performers which hopefully will be extended to future Commonwealth Games around world.
Secretary report – not produced yet
TUC Pensioners Network received from Bob Deacon, current campaigns: retrofit insulation, buses, rising pension age
Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign – report from Bob Deacon circulated with Nakba 75 events: film on Fri 12 May and coaches to London demo 13 May – details on our website
The WALSALL 6 – charged with allegations of intent on causing criminal damage is currently underway at Wolverhampton Crown Court. The defendants are asking for support either; outside the court 9am -10:30am every day; and/or to witness the proceedings by sitting in the public gallery (Court 2). Address: Pipers Row, WV1 3LQ. Updates sought from Dick Scroop
5. any other business – none
- speaker – Greater Manchester Hazards, leading H&S campaigners video shown about the importance of Workers Memorial Day, discussion followed. Can be viewed at https://youtu.be/OB80D0MD0w0 Purple ribbons to be ordered.