December 2017

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Delegate Minutes: Thursday 21st December 2017
venue: Unite Office,Wolverhampton


1. Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors – present Sis Taylor(UNITE) Dugmore(UNISON) Bro Kelleher, Deacon, Everall. & Pugh (UNISON Gen) Foxall, Marris, Rahimi, Baker (UNITE), Childs (CWU), Martin (MU) apologies Sis Simm (PCS), Weaver (UNISON Gen), Bro Juss (GMB) Turner (UNISON Gen) Simm (PCS)

2. Minutes of November Delegate Meeting agreed no Matters Arising

3. EC not held as would have been inquorate
(a) correspondence of note:
(b) union branches 2018 affiliation received ASLEF, Community Craft, Musicians Union, UNISON General. Forms sent out again by post to remaining branches. EC nominations received from Unison General.
(c) Tues 16 January: meeting on community cohesion in the West Midlands 50 years since ‘Rivers of Blood’ Novotel, W’ton 3-30-5pm Bro. Kelleher & Rahimi to attend. To raise doubts about highlighting anniversary.
(d) From TUC re Heart Unions Week, 12-18 February 2018 -This year we are focusing on the TUC’s Great Jobs Campaign. Our activity expected 10/11 February. ( and in particular the case for workers having an independent voice at work, achieved through recognising trade unions. TUC working with the BFAWU to specifically support their McDonalds campaign, calling upon McDonalds to support recognition of the Bakers Union, fair pay for food workers and decent contracts for staff. organise a street stall outside a McDonalds W’ton town centre during the week. invite sent for booking Tim/Martin/Clarion for sometime during Heart Unions week. Seek TUC Development Fund grant £300.
(e) Midlands TUC Pensioners Network (Bro Deacon nominated)
(f) Reclaim Photography West Midlands – Industrial Might photography exhibition seeking pictures
(g) new TUC registration form 2018 to be sent by 23-3-18. includes £10 fee and reference to CATUCs
(h) Shrewsbury 24 campaign, thanks for our “£200 donation towards legal costs.Now received final statement of reasons from CCRC why not referring to Court of Appeal. The campaign has taken further legal advice and a letter of claim was sent this month challenging their decision.reply due early January. Judicial Review in Court of Appeal could follow.
(i) Battersea & Wandsworth TUC re Workers Beer Company payment £7/hour and NMW – “considered by our Executive Committee. Since the Political Committee of Workers Beer Company have responsibility for setting policy on the matters you raise we are referring the matter to that committee ….. We will therefore respond fully to your letter.”
(j) local BASW event 12 dec – non-TUC so did not publicise
(k) BMA seeking contact New Cross unions -directed to regional contacts
(l) Peaky Blinders & The Real Jessie Eden, Saturday, 13 January 2018 The Cherry Reds Cafe-Bar in Birmingham, Meal from 1.00pm; Panel discussion 2.30pm
(m) 23,000 UK page views on our website this month,; reach of about 300 on our facebook page in last month
(n) to send: Reply to Police Crime Commissioner re meeting august Britain First demo; to send: Hazards 2018 sponsorship appeal £30; Leftspace invoice for hosting our website annual £120; to bro Kelleher bought: new duplex laser printer/scanner £119 + 2 toners £13.99; stamps £20.16; ream paper £3.50; Tim Martin MU rate of £132; Bob Deacon £23.10 travel TUC Pensioners
4. Reports:
a) delegate reports: PCS pay campaign (no one present),
UNISON – Birmingham ballot of 370 home care workers 54% turnout 99% for strike – send solidarity message
b) WBDTUC Secretary’s written report spoken to briefly by Bro Kelleher. RMT had been contacted offering local support for 2nd Jan national action – o response. No mention of Action for Rail activity early Jan as usual – their website out of date.
c) Midlands TUC Pensioners Network written report by Bro Deacon circulated and spoken to along with useful legal update – both added to website. Threat of pensioners bedroom tax backed off by government but those in sheltered and supported accommodation still under attack.
NHS STP plans will affect here dramatically but no local campaign still.
Wed 11 April 18 activity on the buses in Wolverhampton to Skegness around English bus pass 10th anniversary keep as universal benefit oppose rural bus cuts
d) Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Bro Deacon reported 20 attended Olive picking talk £180 raised. £40 ten olive tree saplings to “Zaytoun CIC “ still to be paid by us. – possible future speaker. UK arms sales and HSBC campaign 3rd Sat each month until April Qu Sq 11am 20 Jan. 26 Jan Film night Friends Meeting House – Where should the birds fly? Fri 16 March NUT speker Emily Davis on Palestine visit – possible joint meeting
e) Latin America conference – Sis Taylor attended along with over 1,000 delegates, very intense. Recommended future attendance. Bro Beuno ran TU Fiends of Bolivia workshop; a socialist government nationalising and redistributing wealth – possible future speaker.
f) Trump visit – Bro Kelleher had attended local meeting of 18 SW CLP LP/Momentum, SWP, and Dudley TUC also attended. Trump expected in UK Mon 26/7 Feb 2018. TUC demo expected Sat 24 Feb but not announced. The two trades union councils had raised prioritising support for any national TUC demo over local ‘protest’ in this instance. Others planning events for Jan 20th day & evening on large scale Celebrate Diversity Stand Up to Trump – no money, seeking via Black Country Stand up to Racism funds from TU – none expected from LP. Delegates concluded little local support expected – lack of any focus for a protest of a visiting Present going to London, not on a state visit. Agreed to fund a third of transport agreed for any TUC demo.

5. any other business

Seasonal refreshments
& socialist music performed by Musicians Union Tim Martin. He is currently producing an album and will mention WB&DTUC in the credits.


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