Peaky Blinders & The Real Jessie Eden

2018.01.09 front page

Saturday, 13 January 2018

The Cherry Reds Cafe-Bar in Birmingham,

2018.01.09 front page


Real Jessie Eden event on Saturday 13th at Cherry Reds, opposite New Street station, from 2.30 pm.

Organised by the Birmingham Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group in association with Culture Matters, the event features a discussion on the nature of historical fiction in the light of the gratuitous use of the former TGWU organiser of women workers at Lucas Industries as a character in the TV series Peaky Blinders. 
It would be great if you could consider forwarding the flyer to your regional council, branches, and activists. 
It will also be an opportunity for local activists to commemorate the life of Ivan Beavis, long time fund-raiser for the Morning Star.


GRAHAM STEVENSON (TU and working class movement historian),

PAUL LONG (Professor of media and cultural history, BCU),

DAVE PULLER (professional stand-up)


2018.01.09 back page

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