December 2024 minutes

Minutes of Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Delegate Meeting Thursday 19th DECEMBER 2024
@The Lych Gate Tavern, Wolverhampton

Present: (delegates in bold): Paulette Whyte, Bob Deacon, Jane Ceresa UNISON City of Wolverhampton; Nick Kelleher, Tom Mahon, Rob Marris UNITE WM/6150; Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372; Ali Rahimi Unite Community WM/5115; Graham Childs W’ton CWU; Carl Green
Apologies: Si Goode, Tim Martin, Warinder Juss, Di Weaver, John Oakley, Penny Welch, Sonia Wilkins, Michael Vaughan

  1. Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (November) agreed & no Matters Arising.
  2. EC Report
    a) 2025 affiliations received from UNISON City of Wolverhampton, UNISON Sandwell, MU, UNITE WM6150 and UNITE WM5115. Registration forms have been sent to all other branches
    b) Behaviour at meetings discussed
    c) MT produced Model letter to councillors re Aggressive collection of council tax by Wolverhampton council, had reply from Council Leader MT to check for further evidence.
    d) draft of leaflet produced for NMWage increase for HeartUnions week, agreed to be sent to printers.
    e) MT to research further then write to Co leader offering WMDay as opportunity to present new Elizabeth Emblem awards re death in service for public servants.
    f) NK still to arrange 1) Next steps re working with Adele Williams(Hope for Future) – she has asked to meet EC – set up for new year 2) meeting with Midlands TUC Skills trainers with EC at 4pm about how best to work with you to engage employers locally
    g) Paid: Venezuela Solidarity re-affiliation £50 paid; Searchlight re-affiliation £30; box of red disposable gloves purchased for PSC campaign £9.99; British Stammering Association affiliation paid £75; £8.20 travel exp SW Equalities conference.
    h) We’ve been told that our two £300 TUC Development grants have been agreed; Walter Crane Xmas cards £20 received from sales, some sent to branches with affiliation forms.
    i) London Recruits film – no reply from film-makers
    j) Sandwell UNISON to produce leaflet for public distribution prior to next year’s Chainmakers festival – agreed we should offer our help.
  3. Workers Memorial Day – delegates agreed that they wanted a stone, so we need to seek planning permission. NK and RM to liaise with stone masons and council.
  4. 1st May Gill’s bar, Attila the Stockbroker and Samba band all confirmed. Ask Samba band to lead Internationale.
  5. No urgent delegate reports
  6. TUCJCC report and Secretary reports were circulated
  7. Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign report on the campaign to get the W. Mids Pension Fund to divest from Israeli arms manufacturers. Last meeting was abandoned by councillors.
  8. any other business – we now have a Bluesky (twitter alternative) account @wolvestuc
  9. social – food was provided