February 2008


21st February 2008

BROTHERS: Kelleher (UNISON General), Rahimi (ARC), Grant (UCU City College), Cole (NUT), Bostock (POA), Clarke (POA), Deacon (UNISON), Petford (AMICUS), Hardacre (ASPECT)
SISTERS:  Ceresa (UNISON General), Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU/UNITE).
 Brothers – Ash (UNISON General), Marris (UNITE), Farmer (UNISON General), Marriot (UNISON General), Hall (POA), Childs (CWU) 
Sisters – Kelsey (CWU), May (UNISON General), Brealey (UNISON General).
 Welcome to all delegates and visitors.  Apologies.
 Dave Cole commented on Labour Research article on working over 48 hours per week, quoting Pat McFadden M.P. for Wolverhampton  SE.
2. MINUTES of December Delegate MEETING agreed as correct.  Matters Arising:
 Sis.Petford sends apologies frequently (by email) but are not always added.
 6).  Could Wednesfield Town F.C also be involved with anti-BNP? Contacts are needed.
 Sis. Taylor may have contact.
 3).10   Multi-faith calendar – Secretary asked for May Day & Workers’ Memorial Day to be  included, no other delegates had sent in comments as previously requested.
 4).a Fifth bullet point – it seems Karen Riesmann will be dismissed despite dispute with Manchester Mental Health Social Care Trust.

 1). Most branches have re-affiliated.  UCU & FBU have not affiliated yet.
 Also requests to unaffiliated branches – local GMB, PCS, RMT, UCATT & Unite-TGWU. 
Help needed regarding contacts.
 3). Letter from Roger McKenzie.  Anyone can take part in Black & International forums.  Explanation as to why no audited accounts.  Framework is not clear.  Bro. Deacon to formulate a motion to deal with this.
 4). Professor Al Rainnie’s report does not seem to relate to his interviews with Trades Council delegates.  What purpose has this got for Regional TUC? Is this the correct document?
 7). Labour Research renew – £37.50 agreed.
 9). Pensioners’ petition – Understand that the bus pass is National and petition may be out of date.
 11). UCU Keele – closure of TU students course – demonstration on Thursday 3rd April.  Does not fit with Vice Chancellor’s business’ image.
 14). PSC – copies of postcard re: Siege against Gaza circulated
 15). UAF national affiliation £20 – agreed.
 26). WEA will come to speak at branches  re: TUC stewards courses.
4. ELECTIONS to vacant positions.
 a) Bro. Goodall & Clarke (POA) elected to Executive Committee
 b) Women’s TUC observer – none.
 c) Black workers TUC observer – none.
 d) Disability TUC observer – none.
 e) WM County Association of TUCs – Bro. Goodall nominated and seconded.
 f)  Trades Union Councils JCC – none.
 g) Annual Conference Delegate 14/15th June – Mike Hardacre provisionally accepted re: diary.  Need to know by 3rd March.
 (a) SECRETARY – Problems with website, Marion Halfpenny will contact sister if Secretary sends details.
  May Day Committee – Morris Dancers, green theme – 1st May.  Bro. Kelleher will book Pegasus.

 (b) TREASURER – 2007 Accounts, still to be audited, were circulated.  Questions answered.

 (c) Workplace reports: UNISON – Single status process grinding on.  Slippage re: payments 1st April.   Members unsure where they stand. 
 POA  – Court case changed to keep it out of press.  Injunction against strike until 8th May.  By 8th May not bound by any agreement.  Clause 36 Criminal Justice & Immigration act.  Good discussion on the issues.  POA members to draft appropriate letter for us to send to relevant people, e.g. Jack Straw etc.  An issue could be raised for Trades Councils Conference.  Agreed to submit motion.
 Mike Hardacre could possibly write letter – agreed.

 d) Other Reports
• Treaty of Lisbon – TUAEUC – 27th February.  www.TUAEUC.org
• BNP standing in Rugby on March 6th.   Anti-fascist leafleting:  24th February, 2nd March.
• Dorothy Heath TUCJCC rep.  Would we support another regional conference of TUCs? 
Agreed: there would need to be valid reasons to organise a conference. 
• Midlands TUC Annual Report contains page on WBDTUC
• Holocausts Memorial Day – Bro. Cole experienced some difficulty as some attendees believed he was too political.  Delegates gave him full support.  Sis. Taylor – Bells from St Peters drowned out everyone else’s contribution.  This was noted by the Bishop at Wolverhampton Together.  Agreed Executive will act upon it.
 (e) WOLVERHAMPTON TOGETHER – report circulated.
 (f) “Gate Lodge” magazine.  POA campaign against BNP.
 (g) PALESTINE SOLIDARITY – 27th February – Great Western – 7.45p.m
 (h) CUBA SOLIDARITY – no report.
 (i) West Midlands COUNTY ASSOCIATION of TUCs:  Coventry Trades Council – Banner theatre 14th March.  Alex McFadden motion – Restoration for Trades Council to have delegates at TUC Annual Conference.

6. AOB

“That this TUC determines to pay an Honourarium of £250 p.a. to the Secretary of that body.”
Proposed by Bro. Hardacre, seconded by Bro. Grant This was discussed but declined as a philosophical principle.

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