Secretary’s report:
#HeartUnions week 2024, come and join our union recruitment stalls:
10-30am Sat 10 February Wolverhampton market (stall will be in street outside)
10-30am Sun 11 February on Bilston market
WB&DTUC elected officers for 2024: Nick Kelleher – Secretary; Marie Taylor – President; Di Weaver – Vice-President; Michael Vaughan – Treasurer.
There are vacancies on the Executive Committee – if branches could send any nominations to info@wolvestuc.org.uk
2024 affiliations so far received from UNISON Staffordshire, UNITE LE/372, ASLEF, Musicians Union, UCU University, FBU, UNITE WM6150, UNISON City of Wolverhampton. Requests have been sent to all other branches. Affiliation Form at https://wolvestuc.org.uk/affiliating-to-wolverhampton-tuc-2024/ please chase up your branches and contacts.
Local links to Trans-Atlantic Enslavement – this project is progressing but without any additional funding from anymore trade union branches as yet.
The Fire Brigades Union will be hosting an event to celebrate International Women’s Day and everybody is welcome. It will be from 7pm on Friday 8th March at Hennessey’s Bar, Birmingham, B5 5TJ
Several women from the Police Spies out of Livesgroup have contributed to the new BBC podcast Undercover – The SpyCops https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0h6gd9v
2024 Mary Macarthur Lecture Fri 22 March @ 7.30pm@ Council Chambers, Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street Oldbury B69 3DB. Reserve your place at this year’s Midlands TUC Mary Macarthur Lecture and hear from the new PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote. The Mary Macarthur Lecture is an opportunity for leading women to outline the challenges they see facing women in the world of work and wider society today and how we respond to these challenges to deliver a fairer, more equal and progressive future.
RMT letter for MPs https://actionnetwork.org/letters/email-your-mp-stop-the-cuts-to-our-railway?source=direct_link& re Government funding settlement for the next five-year Railway Control Period from 2024 to 2029 will result in a £1.2bn cut in Network Rail’s budget for vital safety-critical railway infrastructure work compared to the previous five year period
Give Us Better Buses for England! via TUC’s Megaphone https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/give-us-better-buses-for-england TUC national
Protect the right to strike demo in Cheltenham. We worked with Walsall TUC and Sandwell UNISON and co-ordinated with Midlands TUC and the coach went well but still had 18 spare seats.