International Asbestos Trade Today

Annual General Meeting of West Midlands Hazards Trust will take place on
Tuesday 11th October 2016,
6.15pm in the offices of Irwin Mitchell, Imperial House, 31 Temple Street, Birmingham, B2 5DB.
This year the AGM will be followed at 7pm by a public meeting:
“The International Asbestos Trade Today”

Bill Lawrence, long standing activist and campaigner from the Construction Safety Campaign and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers, will introduce his research into the international trade in asbestos which is still bringing death and misery to people across the world.
Everyone is welcome to attend although only individual members and members of affiliated organisations are entitled to vote during the business section of the meeting.


1.            Introductions & apologies
2.            Minutes of the last AGM- 13th October 2015 (attached)
3.            Presentation of Accounts
4.            Election of Executive Committee- Maximum Twelve Places
            [Note:  Nominations must reach the Secretary prior to the start of the meeting. Nomination papers are attached.]
5.            Appointment of Independent Examiner of the Accounts
6.            Any Other Business

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