Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council Minutes 17 July 2014
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Present: Sis. Taylor (CYWU-UNITE), Halfpenny (NUT) Bros. Deacon (UNISON Gen), J.Grant (UCU), Marris (UNITE), Childs (CWU), Juss (GMB), Cole (NUT) Apologies: Bros. Kelleher (UNISON Gen), Grant (NUT), Rahami (UNITE), Brackenridge (FBU) Sis Battell (NASUWT) Delegates were welcomed and introductions made. |
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Minutes of last delegate meeting (June) agreed, Matters Arising Silver badge for Bro Kelleher discussed |
Correspondence of note: 1) Sad death of Bob Jones. Celebration of Bob’s life Wolverhampton Civic Hall, Wednesday 23rd July, 1pm. this has caused by election 21st August called by UKIP. Very bad time for election. It was discussed what trades council can do. Information to be put on website and unions to be mailed regarding the importance of the vote. Labour candidate David James. 3) Venezuela Solidarity AGM 4 October, London 4)Burston School Strike Rally Sunday 7th September, £12 including meal. Coach leaves Coventry 8am returns 8pm.
5) NATO summit anti- war demonstration Newport, Saturday 30th August.
6) October 16th Trades Council speaker – Carolyn Jones IER – Need good attendance.
8) Invoice sent to Birmingham Trades Council for money owed for conference expenses
9) Donations for Mayday £100 from NUT plus £20 from Sis Ceresa.
10) No more affiliation fees for WB&DTUC, 2014.
Reports/discussion: a) July 10th National Strike Rally in St Peter’s Square – small numbers but good atmosphere with steel drums etc, well organised. it was noticeable that there were 4 male speakers and 3 females serving food!! Next strike in September. Necessary to try and improve coordination between unions for next occasion. Consult affiliates to ascertain whether they wish WB&DTUC to coordinate next date? b)Britain Needs a Pay Rise Demonstrations 28th September, Birmingham; 18th October, London c) UNISON – Anti-cuts campaigning- Neighbourhood Wardens halved and having to apply for own jobs so remainder can be removed. Campaigning continuing regarding community groups. If insufficient cuts are made, then the financial officer of the council will have a duty to declare the council bankrupt. d) FBU Industrial Action 14th to 21st July and continuing.
e) Other delegates’ workplace reports – none f) Secretary’s Report circulated – Union Learn no longer funded g) Black Country Peoples’ Assembly – National demonstration – good event
Speaker – Bro Deacon from Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign WHAT IS HAPPENING IN GAZA? local solidarity action Here is a summary of some of the points made. Coverage by the BBC of the ‘cease fire’ which wasn’t a cease fire on Tuesday as Hamas were not included in discussions between Israel and Egypt. There needs to be a fundamental solution. Hugh Lanning chair of national Palestine solidarity Campaign visited Gaza 2 years ago and wanted a solution for ALL Palestinian people. Refugees are flowing out of Syria into Lebanon and Jordan. Palestinian refugees were already in Syria and there was always a lot of movement due to proximity. It is no longer possible for Palestinian and Western leaders to say “Share Israeli values” 3 Israelis kidnapped and murdered but there was no proper judicial process instead there were raids, homes of suspects demolished but no convictions. Hamas activists arrested. Many had been released to sustain peace talks in April. Israel will not halt settlements in order to have talks. The talks collapsed as the last prisoners were not released. Now nearly all have been rearrested. The Israeli Labour party also advocates the invasion of the Gaza strip. The Israeli consensus is moving to the right. There is a need to join the campaign and boycott investments etc. http://www.palestinecampaign.org/ there followed a discussion. Bro Deacon was thanked for his detailed report.
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