MINUTES Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council Delegate Meeting Thursday 18th July 2019
1. Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors present + apologies
Present: Marris UNITE, B Simm PCS, C Simm PCS, Deacon UNISON, Baker UNITE, Childs CWU, Ahmed UNITE, Oakley UNITE, M Foxhall UNITE +1 other
Apologies: Kelleher UNITE, Taylor UNITE, Rahimi UNITE, Ceresa UNISON, Millar UCU, Whyte UNISON, Kelsey CWU, J.Foxhall UNITE
2. Minutes of June delegate meeting & matters arising
Minutes agreed, matters arising: Reporting back on Chainmakers festival. Bro Deacon, programs and maps should have been handed out so as to get a feel for the whole event. A third of the TV Licence slips have already made it back to their local MPs. Bro Marris, Strawberries and cream went well enough and TUC Jam was produced with leftovers. It was agreed by attendants that the festival went on too late as it emptied out before the end.
3. EC report and Correspondence
WB&DTUC Executive Committee REPORT 10 July 2019 Bro Marris
1) Speakers: Dave Mirutu UCU unable to attend as speaker as has been gagged while negotiations are ongoing.
2) Amazon Demo: GMB organizing demo in Rugeley 19th July. Request made for delegates to organise transport to attend with banner.
3) Amnesty International: Meeting on 20th September re situation in Myanmar.
4) West Midlands CND: Re affiliation £7 plus £3 donation. Meeting agreed to defer due to low number of delegates.
4. Reports
A) PCS: Sis Simm, On Thursday 1st of August national day of action to scrap Universal Credit, There will be stall in Birmingham from 1 til 4pm.
B) UNITE: Bro Foxhall, Job evaluations are taking place to cut wages. Possible strike action is being looked at.
C) UNISON: Bro Deacon, Strikes at Birmingham hospital. Solihull Hospital is setting up a wholly owned private trust to avoid tax and bargaining issues. Huge levels of privatisation. Birmingham Uni are having three days of strike action over pay disputes and have set up an excellent website. New starters may be being taken out of local government pension fund. Bro Foxhall and Sis Simm haven’t heard of this.
D) TUC Pensions: Bro Deacon, Report handed out. The over 75s TV licence campaign, Age UK unsure what to do next. Need to work out how to get leverage, work alongside BBC trade unions. Celebrate Bus Campaign, Birmingham doing good work and efforts made to get all 10 CLPs involved. TUC Campaigner dropped the ball as UNITE not informed. Bro Marris suggested Exec write letter of disappointment in how TUC failed to work alongside other groups. Request response from Lee Barron.
E) PSC: Bro Deacon reported that there had been a successful public meeting with an excellent speaker.£320 raised at the garden party.
5. Secretarys Report Bro Marris, All has been covered and report handed out.
6. Wodenstock General discussion, Meeting agreed event was a great success. Bro Foxhall commented it may be good to start an hour earlier at future events as attendance dropped off towards end. Bro Marris spoke about the awkward fountains positioned in the area and it was suggested the exec write to council to have them moved as they are poorly placed for the area. It was agreed that Nick should receive much more help in future as it was a heavy job that fell mainly on his shoulders. Meeting congratulated Nick and also Sis Simm for doing a good job as compare.
7. AOB Deportation of Desiree. Wolverhampton Migrant being deported on Air France with no warning. She was picked up at Job Centre. Members agreed to bring up with branches and to contact Air France by tweet and facebook as protest. RMC running fairly public campaign.
8. Wolves council have set a zero emissions target for 2028. Bro Simm spoke about greenifying housing stock. Bro Deacon suggested inviting speaker from council to speak about green issues.
Meeting Close
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