July 2019

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Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Report JULY 2019 (for use at your branch meeting when giving a TUC report)


Our next big event is Wodenstock on Sunday 14th July – all crowdfunding funds raisedwodenstock flyer2 001

next meeting Thursday 18 JULY 7-15pm at UNITE office, bus station – all TUists welcome speaker at next meeting:Sandwell College sacked UCU branch secretary Dave Muritu for gross misconduct after he wrote on a poster promoting the controversial Prevent programme. Muritu apologised for his actions but, although the college acknowledged that his actions didn’t bring the institution into disrepute, he was summarily dismissed. UCU believes such a heavy-handed and disproportionate response from the college had to be down to Muritu’s trade union activities.https://speakout.web.ucu.org.uk/reinstate-david-muritu/

chainmakers2019wbdtucMidlands TUC Women Chainmakers festival. WB&DTUC had a stall, over a dozen of or delegates were there. We sold badges, books and strawberries and cream, took part in the march and distributed Wodenstock flyers.

May Day 2019 – all funds raised additional donation from City of Wolverhampton UNISON covered it. 1st May 2020 next!

Thanks to branches that have re-affiliated so far for 2019: ASLEF, Community W’ton Craft, CWU Musicians Union, NEU, RMT, PCS (Associate members), PCS (B’ham DSS), UCU (University), UNISON Wolverhampton City, UNITE WM6150, UNITE WM7085 (W’ton Homes). Urgent request for branches to re-affiliate asap,

GMB Birmingham & West Midlands will be holding a mass demonstration outside Amazon in Rugeley onFriday 19th July 2019. This demo will be held in Amazon Prime week.

Amazon 2nd DemoAmazon prime week GMB members will be expected to work even faster and harder to get Prime orders out to customers, some within the hour.

Four of our delegates will be volunteer working at Tolpuddle festival this month on the bar raising funds for us.

07538 045376 www.wolvestuc.org.uk info@wolvestuc.org.uk Facebook/wolvestuc

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