July 2002

WB&DTUC Minutes of Delegate Meeting Thursday 18th July 2002

• Attendance: Bros. P Davis, A Turner, S Evans, B Deacon, D Ash, , G Baynham, N Kelleher, J Swift, C Smith Sis. S Sagoo, H Aujla
• 1. Apologies: Bros. J Eastlow, W Juss, D Joynson, J Grant, R Marris, D Turner, N Brackenridge Sis. M Taylor

• 1a. Election to vacant post of President. – No nominations.

• 2. Minutes of June delegate meeting, not available, to be taken at next meeting.

• 3. Executive Committee cancelled. Correspondence:
3.1. Cuba Solidarity raffle tickets – circulated for sale at meeting
3.2. Midlands TUC re courses inc. new on-line courses
3.3. Rob Marris MP re his position on pensioners’ demands and Hansard re human rights record of Turkey in relation to possible EU inclusion.
3.4. FBU re pay claim campaign, seeking publicity and lobbying – SEC TO PUT ON WEBSITE
3.5. TU Friends of Searchlight seeking 2 contact nominations – N KELLEHER & A TURNER
3.6. Bro. BRACKENRIDGE re Lifelong Learning MPDP observer – Bro. GRANT is REPLACEMENT
3.7. WC Council official unemployment Claimant Count down by 4 to 6,624 May 2002, (rate is 6.5% in W’ton, 5.7% W.Mids, 3.1% nationally)
3.8. Birmingham TUC, Norwich TUC mailings
3.9. Freedom for Samar & Jawad campaign info and petitions
3.10. REC annual report
3.11. WC Council Performance Review
3.12. Newsletters, available at meeting: ILO World of Work, TU Friends of Searchlight, ACTSA, Searchlight, Cuba Si, Voices(Iraq) , Walsall WEA H&S bulletins, Liberty, Woodie Guthrie tribute
3.13. laser printer purchased new at £116
3.14. Simon Jones video £10 sent inc. donation for a copy
3.15. WBC invoice for Glastonbury work £504
3.16. ACTSA re fair holiday information
4. Reports:
4a) Secretary -written report was circulated. Next delegate meeting is 19th Sept and next EC is 12th Sept, not as printed on report. Bros. Deacon, Kelleher and Rana to meet with mosque and plan events for Sept 14th, the 2nd anniversary of the Intifada and 20th anniversary of the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, prior to the Don’t Attack Iraq demo on Sept 28th.
4b) NLBD/ISTC campaign for jobs at Beacon Institute a report was given from Bro.Eastlow. Motion of support to be put to CATUC.
4c) report given by Bro. Turner, Secretary UNISON General of local government on the strike action for a 6% pay claim. Local support high and strike was very effective, despite Express & Star reporting. Chubbs and Telewest workers and some councilors refused to cross pickets. NUT and UNISON University branches were thanked for assistance, although UCATT had not supported and it was reported that they had been recruiting UNISON members. 78% public support.
4d) the CATUC Secretary and President spoke about the conference on Wed Sept.11th 2002 which will address the issues of racism and privatisation in the wake of events since Sept 11th 2001. Details will be circulated and delegates are asked to return the slips attached to the flyer.
4e) Race Equality Council AGM – Sis Sagoo reported that there had been much confusion and argument.
4f) TUC Lesbian & Gay conference – Bro. Deacon spoke to a circulated written report.

• 5. Resolutions – None
• 6. A.O.B.

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