Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Minutes of Delegate Meeting
Thursday 20th June 2002
Sis. M Taylor (Chair)
Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, G Dodd G Baynham, J Eastlow, W Juss. Sis. M Taylor, C Oddy.
1. Welcome to New Delegates & Apologies
Bros. R Marris, P Davis, D Halestrap, K McElduff, T Reynolds, A Turner, B Deacon, N Brackenridge, A Hall. Sis. S Sagoo.
1a. Election to vacant post of President and for remaining EC places.
No nominations.
2. Minutes of May delegate meeting, Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record
3. Executive Committee report (13-06-02)
2.1. Simon Jones video, agreed to purchase & £5 donation towards p&p.
2.3. Website links. Agreed to links to ‘suitable & appropriate’ sites (after secretary consulted Sis. D Heath).
2.17. REC AGM. Secretary unavailable, to contact Sis. Sagoo.
Further correspondence:
1. Respect anti-racist music festival, 20th July, transport will probably be by train.
4. TUC TU Directory Midlands, yet again Trades Councils omitted.
6. National Pensioners convention, agreed £5 affiliation.
4. Reports:
a) Secretary, written report provided.
Treasurer. On vacation.
b) Annual Conference of TU Councils. Written report provided, please e-mail questions to web site.
c) John Eastlow gave a verbal report on the attempted closure of Beacon Industries, (Industries that employ Disabled, blind and deaf people).
5. Resolutions.
6. Speaker: Christine Oddy, Coventry TUC, ex-MEP
Europe and the Single Currency
7. A.O.B.
Thanks from Alan Wilkins (Pinar del Rio Project).
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