MINUTES of Delegate MEETING 18th JUNE 2009
(ASPECT), Marris (UNITE), Childs (CWU). SISTERS Halfpenny (NUT), Kelsey (CWU), Cole (NUT guest), Lopez (ICAP guest), Taylor (CYWU/UNITE), Ceresa (UNISON Gen). Dugmore(UNISON Gen guest),
Apologies: Brothers – Turner (UNISON Gen), Jeffries (UNISON/UNITE), Juss (GMB), Penco (UNISON/UNITE), Marriott (UNISONGen), Ash (UNISON Gen), Jones (CWU), Grant (NUT). Sister – Brealey (UNISON Gen).
1. WELCOME Introduction to delegates. Cuban speaker welcomed. Number of apologies due to UNISON conference.
Original minutes were lost so minutes drawn together by EC
correction: “4 d.) Letter to be written to Leader of Council, Chief Executive and Diocese concerning expulsion of TU from Scrutiny Panel by Secretary.” Agreed.
Matters Arising:
3.) 2 Campaign for Labour Party Democracy – £10 affiliated.
3.) 10 No attendance at Morning Star AGM by our delegates so no report
4) 4th July Telford TUC re:
9) Burston strike school rally – Saturday 6th September.
11) Samar and Jamad campaign now both released form prison. Thanks given.
12) Asbestos Support Group public meeting in Birmingham – 30th June 2009. Film in Lighthouse about asbestos in 3rd world which we agreed to back. Apply for TUC Development grant to cover costs.
13) Miami 5 refused again hope it will be different with Obama.
17) Bro. Goodhall dismissed as nurse and due to go to tribunal. Now UNISON has withdrawn support 5 days before. Bro.Goodall doing own now perhaps.
a) Secretary
Bro. Rob Williams –UNITE- Linamar Convenor has now been reinstated following sacking.
Carphone Warehouse – please send letter of support to directors of Carphone Warehouse, details on website.
Wolves website 7 years old 30,000 hits per day but problem with hackers.
b) Anti BNP Campaign
Biggest campaign ever. BNP vote in
c) Treasurer – Funds stable.
d) CWU -Carphone Warehouse – see Secretary’s report.
e) UNITE – Report Swansea Linamar – see Secretary’s report.
f) POA – Bro.Clarke – anti privatisation campaign. Where should Unions engage on this? BBC headlines 335,000 public sector workers will lose their jobs over next 3 years. Every prison is going to come under auspices of competitive tendering. Team being piloted at Birmingham, Threat against workers in unions. This may be a common feature in Unions in Public Sector. No discussion with Unions at National level. Jack Straw – why market testing is being done because Union turned down workforce modernisation.
g) UNISON – Further cuts being discussed secretlyby council. 5% to 10% extra cuts. Welfare, Catering under threat. Frozen meals may be brought in. No formal consultation as yet.
CYWU/UNITE negotiating restructure to Youth Service. Paper brought was full of anomalies. In the middle the Chief Officer is leaving and structure will be imposed. Unions likely to fail to agree so process will have to start again.
Lenia Lopez form Cuban Institute for Friendship with People. ICAP. Friendship with different countries. Festival at end of June to celebrate 50 years of socialism.
Before revolution – poverty, illiteracy, no health care. All improved following revolution and then no pressure from U.S. Fight to free Cuban 5 imprisoned in U.S. June 15th court refused to take the case. Step by step things are improving but the struggle continues. Help from friends will help us win this struggle.
Bro. Marris asked about film industry which made 4/5 films last year. Donations are still needed form visitors. Bro.Hardacre – economy still productive. May show Cuban Model has been effective. 50 years of story blockade has helped economy. It is well worth a visit. There may be a change, Obama is the best hope. Would like to see more trade with
There followed a discussion. Cuba still needs help, hence CSC every bit of money helps to disseminate message.
Garden Party 18th July. Encourage your Union to sponsor this event as 2 speakers from Cuba will be joining us.
6. AOB:
- Palestine Solidarity – Jerusalem the East Side Story – 19th June 7.15pm for film.
- Report circulated of Trades Union Councils’ annual conference
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