June 2007

MINUTES OF MEETING 21st  June 2007

Attendance: SISTERS: Taylor (CYWU/ UNITE), Ceresa (UNISON), Halfpenny (NUT) BROTHERS: Cole (NUT), Farmer (UNISON), Walters (ATL), Childs, (CWU) Alan Wilkins
Apologies: Muir (CYWU), Kelleher (UNISON), Hardacre (ASPECT)

1.  WELCOME: Welcome to all delegates and visitors.
2. MINUTES OF MEETING 21st June 2007
5. Norman Brackenridge also an excellent report
Warinder Juss – Black Workers Trade Council discussion.
4d. Trades Council registered their concern over the offensive language used to the TUC Secretary by the leader of the Council. When we have meeting we need to put this on the table. This addition was voted on and agreed.
3.11 Halfpenny had discussion with Warinder Juss. Can Secretary write to Race Equality Council for paperwork? More information about what it would take to be a director?

ATL now affiliated
3.5 £30 for TGWU 6/1400/7 Manchester – agreed
3.6 British Pensioners Burston rally £20 – agreed
3.7  Only one Labour member present
3.8 Re affiliate Morning Star website £20
3.14 Meeting with Professor Rainnie. – 14 June 2007.

(a) Secretary accepted.
(b) Treasurer – none
(c) DelegateWorkplace reports – none
(d) Palestine. Solidarity – none.
(e) Cuba solidarity – next meeting Thursday- 28th June. Garden Party – 21st July

5. GUEST SPEAKER – Alan Wilkins Report on Cuba
Have taken musical instruments. Visited as delegate of British Pensioners & TU Action Association, ‘Visited Pina del Rio, reliant on tobacco crop. Very poor town.
What happens after Fidel Castro dies? Miami Cubans could come back to take over properties? – bloodshed?
Cruel American. blockade so alliances with Russia.
Changes in Cuba – churches being restored – growth of religion.
Bureaucracy at 6s & 7s. Money from tourists and black market for some. Limit on amount that can be taken in to Cuba – £125. This restricts, the amount of goods that can be taken into Cuba. Some or the problems could become a “diversion” to undermine Cuban State.
Frank discussions needed with Cubans about the way they will go? Dave Cole had a positive slant that Cuba will be helped b¬y other Latin American countries, such as Venezuela. 
Trade Unionists should support Cuba.



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