ATTENDANCE – BROTHERS; Kelleher (UNISON) Brackenridge (FBU) Deacon (UNISON) Farmer (UNISON) Cole (NUT) Grant (UCU) Hardacre (ASPECT) Juss (GMB)
Ash (UNISON) Childs (CVVU) SISTERS: Halfpenny (NUT) Ceresa (UNISON)
1. Welcome to all delegates and visitors. Apologies taken; Rob Marris (TGWU). Taylor (CYWU) Muir (CYWU)
2. Minutes of last delegate meeting agreed correct. Matters arising:
2.1 Affiliation received from ASPECT, form needed.
2.2 (5b) Trade Union Conference is tomorrow. N. Kelleher found it was too much. Did not get much out of it last year. It will be expensive. Need to consider who should be delegate next year. He is not going this year.
2.5 Black Country Living Museum – Women’s Trade Union memorabilia.
2.8 Claire Gough may not be as knowledgeable as first thought. Some difficulties.
2.9 7th July 2007- Nick is attending Shop Stewards Conference and will give report.
3.2 – Council by-law on public leafleting – Trades Council would be exempt.
3.8 – Professor Rainnie, Leicester University will meet delegates at Nick’s house for research. 3.9 – English for speakers of other languages. City of Wolverhampton is doing what it can. Ask UCU to come to Trades Council to give us a steer as to how to promote this.
3.10 – Agree Morning Star renewal of progressive website listing – £20
3.11 – Marion Halfpenny, Norman Brackenridge are interested in Race Equality Council and will contact Warinder Juss who is currently “a director”.
3.14 & 3.15 – Affiliations from UCU, FBU still outstanding.
(a) Secretary – Volunteers distributed leaflets well. BNP did lose in each ward. BNP got no seats in West Midlands. BNP Councillors who were elected were new councillors. Some lost seats as sitting councillors.
Congratulations to the way Nick Kelleher ran the campaign. Thanks to all who took part. Highest two polling BNP candidates were ex Tories. Rob Marris thanked leafleters.
(b) Treasurer – Bank balance reported, hoping for a May Day TUC Development grant. Nick will also apply for grant for anti-fascist leafleting.
(c) Delegates Workplace – Reports – None.
(d) Hope Not Hate Campaign – Paper suggesting what future options might be. Labour party have the problem and should approach Trades Council. Need to consider the most appropriate methodology. May be Union initiatives could support in areas where BNP are most active. Trade Council needs a presence more over that side of the city.
This could form a basis for discussion with Labour Party. Next Executive take up idea of paper with proposals.
1. Nick sends email to ask for suggestions.
2. Proposal forward to June meeting as how to proceed.
3. In difficulty with Labour Councillors and need to meet with them to try and sort the matter. Question as to why Labour Party have an issue.
Agreed this course of action.
(e) Palestine Solidarity – 40th Anniversary of Occupation of Palestine. “Enough” rally in London – 9th June. Union branches could pay for number of seats on coach. NUT has DVD of Iron Wall which could be reviewed at Trades Council. Boycott Israeli goods.
Bro. Brackenridge – Relief work in Philippines. Typhoon in typhoon -prone area, destruction is unbelievable. poor area. Rebuilt 7 schools. Commissioned 23 boats. Very humbling experience.
Bro.Juss excellent report.
6. AoB
Next executive meeting 7pm at Nick Kelleher’s home. 2nd Thursday. Thank you to Secretary for excellent work on May Day Festival.
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