June 2014

WB&DTUC Secretary’s Report June 2014


Thursday 19th June 2014 7pm -7.30pm delegate meeting

@ Electric Club Chapel Ash WV3 0QH

Public meeting @7.30pm speaker: Dr Francisco Dominguez, Secretary of Venezuela Solidarity Campaign will speak: Behind the Violence in Venezuela


Saturday 21st June People’s Assembly national demonstration London

Coach from Falkland Street coach park Wolverhampton leaves 8am and Walsall @ 8.30am

To book seats ring 01922 405343 £10/£5/free with support of trade unions

+ Coach pickups @ Dudley 8am, Oldbury 8.30am & Birmingham 8.50am – to book seats ring 01384 813875

Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Francesca Martinez, Len McClusky, Christine Blower all speaking



Public Meeting. FRIDAY 27th June 7.30pm (refreshments and craft stall from 7pm)

Friends Meeting House. 8b Summerfield Road. Wolverhampton. WV1 4PR

SPEAKERS: Kamel Hawwash (Vice Chair of Palestine Solidarity Campaign)

+ Rob Marris (Prospective Labour Party Candidate for Wolverhampton South West)


Wolverhampton kept fascist free again

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council organised 8 leafleting sessions of Hope Not Hate anti-BNP material in Bushbury North & Springvale wards. Anti-ukip leaflets were also distributed to homes in Wednesfield South where there was a Labour gain Bro Brackenridge (Jr). Our message was to use your vote against the fascists. Turnouts where we leafleted increased and were much higher than in neighbouring wards.

Springvale Bnp less than 2% – lowest ever percentage and just 64 votes, lowest number of votes cast here for a fascist candidate and lowest vote of any candidate in any of 20 wards. Ex-Liberal retained seat as UKIP

Bushbury N – Bnp 3.7% lowest ever percentage (14% last council election)and just 116 votes, lowest number of votes cast here for a fascist candidate. 3097 votes cast (2233 cast in Bush S, 2674 in Oxley) again higher than average turnout Labour gain

They got under 2% across the city in the Euro election just 1,138 votes in total with the other openly-fascist group English Democrats under 1%.


Academic, John Tulley from Australia, who has been corresponding with us for the last two years and researching the Tinplate workers from Wolverhampton transported to Tasmania in 1819. He visited Wolverhampton this month and met Wolves TUC secretary and members of the Craft branch of Community which is the current incarnation of the original Tinplate workers branch which dates back to 1802.

1st May event, £380 of £1,360 still to raise – further requests have been sent out, please make cheques payable to “Wolverhampton May Day Committee”

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