Delegate Minutes Thursday 16th June 2022
Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
- Welcome & introductions to delegates & visitors. Present: Graham Childs CWU; Warinder Juss GMBx13; Sharon Dixon, Bob Simm, Dick Scroop UNISON City of Wolverhampton; Marie Taylor UNITE LE/372; Di Weaver UNITE WM/5203; Ali Rahimi, Carol Hyatt UNITE Community; Nick Kelleher, John Oakley UNITE WM/6150; Kieren NUS, Penny Welch, Catherine Lamond UCU Wolverhampton University
apologies Tim Martin, MU, Clare Simm PCS, Steve Smith RMT, Paulette Whyte, Adrian Turner, Bob Deacon, Jayne Weaver UNISON City of Wolverhampton, Michael Vaughan UNISON Staffs; John Grant UCU College, Andy Taylor, Rob Marris UNITE WM/6150 - Minutes of last Delegate Meeting (May) agreed, no Matters Arising
- EC Report and urgent correspondence
a) DW to chase up branches still not yet re-affiliated for 2022
b) June 18th Cost of living crisis – coach 8am from unite office Wolverhampton
c) Midlands trades councils conference Sat 25 June Birmingham – MT & DW registered as delegates.
d) DW has outlined a plan for next steps re enslavement research. Been in contact with researcher Matt Stallard who is willing to join a steering group, meeting this month. Grace & Penny continuing to edit research to use in a booklet for schools and unions. Dudley TUC offered £100 towards printing, Dudley NASUWT may too if requested.
e) Chainmakers stall 2 July – leaflet to be produced about research and commercially printed. Ask RMT if they wish to use festival to promote cleaners’ dispute.
f) unable to process whilst Treasurer away: Searchlight affiliation @ £30; £150 to Orgreave Truth & Justice campaign; Coventry HGV strike £50 – Need 3rd signatory EC suggested Bob Simm replaces Rob Marris. MT spoke against the EC recommendation and asked for 2 of 4 signatories; after discussion and vote it was referred back to EC.
- Reports and discussion:
RMT Wolverhampton Cleaners took two further days of strike action. National strike of Network Rail workers later this month, will circulate info
UNITE Coventry HGV bin drivers’ strike now six months long, morale still high. Employers maybe backtracking on “suspension” of convenor Pete Randell. UNITE WM6150 had this week made a second donation of £7,300
GMB conference was cut short due to covid outbreak amongst delegates
UNISON – national conference week now hence so many apologies
LP report by Di Weaver was circulated
Secretary report by Nick Kelleher was circulated - any other business – none
- at 8pm open meeting with: Dr Catherine Lamond, chair of the UCU negotiating committee at Wolverhampton University, on the 500 threatened job cuts. Vice Chancellor left at end of 2021 reporting healthy reserves. Their interim replacement then announced a £20m deficit along with 500 job cuts from a total 2,500 workforce and cuts to 138 courses, school performing arts, and most arts courses, without any consultation. Pandemic, student deferral, drop of student numbers blamed, but no different to any university. Campuses at Wolverhampton, Walsall, Telford, Burton. Support from students and community. Discussion of possible activity, help offered from WBDTUC. Wolverhampton University had good reputation as working class university.