June 2022

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report

Delegate meeting starts 7pm Thurs 16 June

Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wages. Join the trade union movement in London to tell this government: We DEMAND better!

free travel to the event:

UNITE coach leaves at 8am from Unite office next to Sainsbury’s Local at bus station Wolverhampton WV1 1LD, returns from London at 3-30pm https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/britain-needs-a-pay-rise-west-midlands-coaches-tickets-323959510617

Free places with NASUWT leaving from Wolverhampton email westmidlands@mail.nasuwt.org.uk giving the number of seats required and the name of your trade union asap.

Five delegates from UNITE, UNISON, CWU and PCS gave out over a thousand leaflets at the train station. 100,000 leaflets were given out at over 80 stations promoting the demo.

TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival Sat 2nd July 2022 11-5-30pm @ Mary McArthur Gardens, Cradley Heath B64 5BA come and help at our stall

Short video of the Pentonville Five shop stewards, imprisoned fifty years ago in July 1972 by the National Industrial Relations Court for refusing to obey a court order to stop picketing a container depot in East London. Mass union action got them released. https://www.ier.org.uk/news/remembering-the-pentonville-five-50-years-on/

latest Health Campaigns Together newspaper https://healthcampaignstogether.com/newspaper.php

Wolverhampton RMT Cleaners’ strike sixth two day strike by Wolverhampton RMT Cleaners at Oxley Depot 4 and 5 June in their ongoing demand for a pay rise.