March 2006

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

1. ATTENDANCE: Sisters: Halfpenny (NUT),  Ceresa (UNISON), Taylor (CYWU)   Brothers:  Kelleher (UNISON), Grant (NATFHE), Childs (CWU),  Deacon (UNISON), Cole (NUT),  Davis (UNISON), CS (GMB), Paul Davies(GMB)   
Apologies:  Marris (TGWU),  Sagoo &  Farmer (UNISON),  Hardacre (ASPECT), Juss GMB
Bros. Davies and Childs were welcomed as a new member to the meeting.

2. Minutes of the February meeting were agreed to be a true record. MATTERS ARISING:
3.2.4 Someone who lives on Low Hill estate may be BNP candidate.  Young Labour would like to work with Trade Unions to do anti BNP work
6.  There was a discussion concerning the resolution on No2ID Cards and other view points but it was agreed that the matter had been fully debated previously.

3.1 There was an Executive Committee report and some letters were still to be written.  The minutes secretary apologised for the lateness of the minutes.
3.2 Correspondence –    There are currently no TUC courses in Wolverhampton as the city college was not interested when invited to be involved.  Courses are running under the auspices of the WEA but not in Wolves.
3.2.6 DAF TGWU Electricians (previous speakers here – won tribunals but  employers have been bouncing cheques since July. Therefore there is still an on-going dispute despite having won
3.2.13     TUC – GMB Wal-Mart (Asda) have anti-union practices and have tried to break collective bargaining agreements.  See Midlands website for more details  if action is being taken in Wolverhampton we would support members at Asda.
3.2.14     Launch of Midlands TUC International Forum Thursday 23 March 4.30 – 6.30 pm.  Will contact to express interest Bob Deacon and Dave Cole both expressed an interest.  Ask for further information and that meetings are accessible by public transport and at appropriate times.
3.2.15      cheques have been written Cuba Solidarity £40, TU Friends of Searchlight £30
3.5          Workers’ Memorial Day 28 April 12.30 was discussed. Leaflets distributed
3.8           ASPECT has affiliated
3.10         May Day preparations were discussed. See our Website

a) Secretary – Still vacant posts for WMCATUC 2 delegates. Troops Home from Iraq, Don’t Attack Iran national demo Saturday 18 March. Coach from Falkland St. Rahimi meeting cancelled
b) Treasurer – healthy account. We won £100 from Cuba Solidarity 267 Club standing order prize draw.
c) Pensions Campaign- Out of percentage of votes in for ballot average yes vote 81% should be the biggest strike since the General Strike.  WB&DTUC have organised a rally at noon on the plaza 28th March 2006.  There will be other strikes prior to May elections.  All workplaces to be picketed
d) Delegates’ Workplace reports – Education Bill only achieved through votes of the Tory party. Letter from Rob Marris MP circulated.  Ken Purchase MP is still opposed to the bill
e) TUC Disability Conference- brother Davis’ report was discussed
f) Midlands  TUC- papers were circulated
g) Anti- fascist election campaign – need to use literature as last time, amended and updated.  Sister Taylor to check election deadlines.  There is leafleting every weekend in Dudley
h) CSC Trade Union Conference – D Cole gave a brief account – written report circulated
i)  PSC report- At a future meeting
j) Rahimi Family Must Stay campaign – update given
k) Stamping Out Homophobia conference – written report circulated

5. RESOLUTIONS non submitted

6. Speaker Sister Jane Ceresa, Campaigning in the community – UNISON’s Successful Save Our Day Centres campaign.  There followed a detailed and stirring account of this campaign and the importance of involving the service users and their families as the main activists.  The centres are saved for now but the situation needs monitoring.

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