March 2009


MINUTES of Delegate MEETING         19th March 2009



SISTERS: Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU/UNITE).             BROTHERS: Kelleher (UNISON), Deacon (UNISON), Clarke (POA), Grant (NUT), Rahimi (AMICUS), Bechler (ATL), Hardacre (ASPECT), Baynham (UNITE), Cole (NUT), J.Grant (UCU).

Apologies:  Brothers: Marris (UNITE), Juss (GMB), Marriott (UNISON), Mears (UNISON University), Childs (CWU), Bostock (POA).  Sisters: Reynolds (GMB), Ceresa (UNISON), Kelsey (CWU).


1.       WELCOME, introductions and welcome to delegates and visitors.


2.       MINUTES of 19th February 2009, agreed  a correct record, no matters arising



a)1)      No affiliation from ASPECT.  No ATL or POA cheques received. Sis. Taylor will follow up.  UNITE –Goodyear.        Telford Trades Council wants us to work with RMT but RMT have not affiliated. Sis Halfpenny will ask if USDAW have any contacts in Wolverhampton as no affiliates to Wolverhampton TUC.  UNISON Health have not re-affiliated.

   2)      Re-affiliation £30 to Repeal Anti-TU laws campaign.

   3)      Response from Workers Beer Festival flyers.

   5)      UAF Conference 21st March 2009.

   8)      local Gaza Appeal raised £10,000, more than previously reported

   9)      LGBT & Disability Conference.  No delegates as observers.

   12)    Birmingham TUC 2nd May 2009. May Day.

   13)    Do not affiliate to Wolverhampton Pensioners.  Bro. Kelleher to contact National Pensioners Convention and see what their relationship is with Wolverhampton organisation.

b)         1st May.  M.Collins –speaker.  Brenda Procter – Women Against Pit Closures.  Heart of England Jazz band, Moms dancers, break dancers.  Bob Crow has been approached.  Stalls for Unions.  Donations from branches needed.  Publicity needed.  Raffle prizes needed.

c)         Workers Memorial Day -28th April 2009.  18 Pairs of shoes to indicate those who have died in the West Midlands.  12.30pm Workers Memorial Day Tree by Civic Centre.

e)         Future TUC speakers – Asylum camps in Calais.  Sis. Reynolds speaker?


4.       REPORTS

          a)         Secretary, written report circulated.  CWU rally-demo report on the front of Morning Star.  1,000 plus people.  Good rally at the Imperial Palace.  28th March 2009 – G20 demo in London summit.  TUC supporting.

            b)         Treasurer -Funds still healthy.

            c)         UNISON & CYWU/UNITE -Council cuts.  Attended Council meeting last night, decisions are imminent.  Campaigning is continuing.  260 applications for voluntary redundancy.  80 approved but remainder may be compulsory according to Express & Star.  Sis. Taylor talked about negotiations in Youth Services.  15 jobs going but no compulsory redundancies.  There has been an issue regarding the redundancy calculator, and the Union were not consulted.  Talks with Thompson’s solicitors regarding legal challenge.

            f)         Anti BNP.  Searchlight & Sis.Reynolds arranged May day of action to deliver 20,000 Anti BNP newspapers.  We need to decide where would be best.  Need discussion between Sis. Reynolds, Searchlight & WB&DTUC

            g)         West Midlands County TUC – Bro. Deacon – Nothing to report.

            h)         Midlands TUC AGM – Elections noted, nothing else to report.

            i)          Palestine Solidarity – Gaza Activity.  Lack of momentum with the Mosque.  Need to keep wider links.  Ken Purchase going to Israel/Palestine.


5.       SPEAKER

          Sis. Taylor reported back on TUAEC, No to EU, Yes to Democracy.  UKIP have been discredited.  Corruption -33% of votes cast in European elections are for non mainstream parties.  This group could offer an alternative to BNP.  EU court judgements have attacked workers rights.  Will take up seat but not salary.  Party is registered.  There will be regional co-ordinating meetings.  In correspondence with campaign Bro.Kelleher offered broad support from Wolverhampton TUC but raised issue that if BNP come 4th, minor parties standing could aid them.  BNP might get 4th seat.  A discussion ensued about the merits of another party and its effects on the balance of votes.


6.       AOB Maggie Thatcher t-shirts to celebrate her future death.  Bro. Kelleher will circulate details.

          Waterford Glass meeting 26th March 2009 in Birmingham.  They may be in Wolverhampton prior to this. 

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