March 2018

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council
Delegate Meeting Thursday 22nd March 2018 held at Unite Office, Wolverhampton


Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Delegate Meeting Thursday 22nd March 2018 held at Unite Office, Wolverhampton


  1. Present:Sis Taylor(UNITE), Aujla (Keele UCU) Welch + visitor(W’ton Uni UCU), Whyte, Dixon (UNISON City) Bro Deacon, Everall, Cooper, Pugh (UNISON City) Marris, Kelleher Foxall, Baker, Taylor(Unite WM6150) Rahimi (UNITEWM5103), Childs (CWU), Simm (PCS) Grant (UCU) Brackenridge LP/FBU all introduced and welcomed Apologies Bro Grant (NEU-NUT), Juss GMB, Martin (MU)

  1. Minutes of delegate meeting 15th February 2018 Approved. Rob Marris updated re Blue Plaque for Enoch Powell. Stated that amongst other things plaques would only be put up to commemorate people who had made positive contributions.



  1. EC Report and Correspondence.

Nick Kelleher and Bob Simm chosen to attend Midlands Trades Co Council on 19th of May in Birmingham. Possible motion on the Workers Beer Company discussed. To be decided at April meeting.

Paulette White is attempting to make further contact with Helen Pankhurst about speaking at trades council Women’s Event. Event date may have to move into the Autumn due to busy summer schedule.

Nick Kelleher reminded members to organise branch affiliations. 9 branches have affiliated in 2018 compared to 25 in 2017. More affiliations mean more delegates and more that trades council can be involved in.

Marie Taylor has been unable to get further contact from Police re the Britain First demo in Wolverhampton last year.

The new computer bought by trades council for use by secretary is up and running with no issues.

Regarding TUC march for New Deal for Working People. Nick has spoken with Adrian Turner from Unison. 9 tickets have been secured at £10 pounds each for people travelling down.

Copies of report from TUCJCC have been printed. It was noted this was the first time a report has actually been put together.


  1. Reports / Discussions

Update from Unite of Carillion situation. Unite are trying to get together enough affected members to make a claim for compensation.

Report on the joint meeting between PCS, Unite held at Britannia Hotel Wolverhampton. The meeting was positive but poorly advertised by both Unite and PCS.

Greg Brackenridge updated on behalf of Wolves Labour Group. Council are taking refuse collection back in house and general discussion about effects of Tory cuts on council services.

Secretary Report: Nick addressed meeting. 7500 Leaflets for May Day event ready to print. In mid April leaflets 4000 will need to be delivered throughout Whitmore Reans. May Day event and Workers Memorial Day discussed. Workers Beer Company events also discussed. Volunteers to contact Nick by 28th of March.

Bob Deacon updated the meeting on TUC Pensioners Network Bus Tour. It marks the 10th anniversary of the bus pass scheme and celebrates how good the scheme is. No response yet from any Bus Unions.

Bob Deacon spoke about Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity. Meeting with Emily Davies of Sandwell TUC. Protest outside HSBC went well, another protest is organised for 28th April. HSBC are now talking to the campaign about the issues.


  1. AOB No matters arising.

6. Speaker Harjinder Kaur from Keele UCU on pension Strikes and picket line activity at the University.

The Meeting proposed and agreed £100 donation to Keele UCU Hardship fund campaign.

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