March 2022 Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report
Wolverhampton TUC recruits 125 new union members
Our Join a union, social media adverts run for 3 weeks up to end of TUC ♥ Unions week, reaching 10,230 working age people from Wolverhampton with 125 clicking to join.
High morale as Wolverhampton RMT Cleaners took strike action from 24th to 26th February
RMT members are due to start their next round of strike action against Atalian Servest, following a breakdown in talks after 1.75% was offered by the company and rejected.
Picket line will be from 1930 to 2130hrs, Oxley Depot Jones Rd. WV10 6JQ for strike action currently planned on Thursday 10th March and Friday 11th March – check as subject to possible change
Yes! Yes! UCS! Townsend Theatre’s Upper Clyde Shipbuilders play
Newhampton Arts Centre, Wolverhampton
8pm Tuesday 15 March £7–£8
NO to war in Ukraine rally
3pm Sunday 6th March 2022, Birmingham centre
How trade unions are supporting people in Ukraine
see the TUCongress statement
they recommend to send solidarity donations via the ITUC emergency fundraising appeal @
The International Trade Union Confederation’s Ukrainian member organisations FPU and KVPU are providing support to families who desperately need assistance. Trade unions in neighbouring countries including Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova are supporting the increasing number of refugees. (The ITUC represents 207 million workers through its 331 affiliated organizations, includes the TUC, within 163 countries)
Everything’s going up but our pay
Join the TUC march and rally in Blackpool outside the Tory Spring conference on
19th March. The Conservatives are in Blackpool for their spring conference. We need to tell them loud and clear: Britain needs a pay rise!
We joined Sandwell UNISON members at rally as they took further strike action against Sandwell Leisure Trust on 24 Feb
more details of these and other local events, along with our minutes, reports etc. can be found on