Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC Secretary’s Report info@wolvestuc.org.uk www.wolvestuc.org.uk MAY 2008
22 Affiliated branches 2008 (18,600 affiliated trade unionists)
ASLEF, ASPECT, ATL, CWU (W.Mids & Worcs), Community(Hall Palm), CWU (Wolverhampton), FBU, GMB X13, NASUWT, NUT, POA, UCU (City College), UNISON General, UNISON Health, UNISON Healthcare PCT, UNISON University, UNITE 0758M, UNITE 5/836, UNITE 5/998, UNITE 3210M, UNITE-CYWU, UNITE 5/748 Still to re-affiliate this year: UCU University
Fri 16th May, public meeting `Palestine What Now` 7pm, (doors open 6.30 for refreshments) St Andrew’s Church Hall next to Avion Centre, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton speakers Kamel Hawwash , Midlands Palestine Community Association & Christian Aid
TUC Shop Steward courses Stage 1, 10 Tuesdays from 13 May, Stage 2, 10 Thursdays from 15 May, H&S 10 Wednesdays from 14 May @ Wolverhampton College 0121 237 8120
Sat 17th May International Day Against Homophobia, Chamberlain Sq Birmingham, start 3pm . All welcome. Speakers, and singers and a moments silence. Organised by Midland TUC LGBT Committee
Class Words – over 40 pages of socialist songs & poems, now available £3 from WB&DTUC (published by Worcester TUC)
Hundreds of local people and activists packed the 14th annual 1st May celebrations in Wolverhampton. It was again the biggest attendance ever.
Thanks to all the trade unions which sponsored it, the performers and volunteers who helped make it work so well.
Tolpuddle 18-20 July spare leaflets available for branches
30 attended the lunchtime Workers’ Memorial Day event although many passers-by also stopped to listen to the speeches. Civic flags were lowered as a mark of respect by the council.
A copy of one of the 8,000 anti-BNP postcards we produced and used in the election, has been enclosed for information.
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