Wolverhampton May Day 1st May 2008

1st May Wolverhampton Workers` Day celebrations
Workers of the West Midlands United!
Hundreds of local people and activists joined the 14th annual 1st May celebrations in Wolverhampton. It was again the biggest attendance ever.
Thanks to all the trade unions which sponsored it, the performers and volunteers who helped make it work so well.
Report by Dr Greorge Barsnsby, renowned Wolverhampton Historian
And what better way to celebrate it than to vote against the BNP and attend the Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trade Union Council which holds its annual celebration on Workers’ Day whether Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, and was a wonderful success with a multicultural attendance fitting for the district that it takes place in.
This was the 14th. annual 1st of May celebrations in Wolverhampton under the slogan of Workers of the West Midlands Unite; not quite as sonorous as Workers of the World Unite but embodying the same principles.
Now I challenge any organisation in Britain to have put on such a multicultural May Day Celebration attended equally by seasoned militants of many nations and politically innocent young people of all cultures.
It was good to know that that Birmingham were also having a multicultural event and we hope that it was as successful as ours in Wolverhampton.
Then stalls of solidarity with Palestine, Cuba and Venezuela and Bhopal workers and petitions against imprisonment or death sentences of which most of us aware but don’t get a chance to sign the appropriate petitions.
Then there is Graham Stevenson speaking at the social on Why You Should Read the Morning Star. Graham is historian and political activist who runs a remarkable collection of Communist, YCL and other history portraits on his website www.grahamthewebtailor.co.uk
Ken Purchase MP for NE Wolverhampton made an appearance at the social to argue the case for our comprehensive school system against the Educational Academies which have been held at our heads as a condition for accepting mythical riches of in the development of our schools. Ken has been an outspoken opponent of Academies in Parliament and remains so today.”
7pm doors open and chance to visit stalls, bar, bouncy castle, mehndi
Music from One Love International Sound System
7.15pm Azaad Dhol Group
7.30pm welcome from compere Andy Goodall, May Day Committee
Alquin Magpantay – Filipino/ English Ballads (UNISON Health worker)
speaker: Graham Stevenson (UNITE) Why Trade Unionists should read the Morning Star
7.50pm Lady Leofric’s Cross Cotswold Morris Dancers & Castle Clegg Step Clog Dancers
8.10pm speaker: Dyal Bhagri, National President Indian Workers Association
8-20pm interval & food – free Asian + Caribbean buffet
music from One Love International
Salsa Mundo dancers
8.45pm speakers: Ali Rahimi Iranian Trade unionist
Ken Purchase MP on schools
9pm Banner theatre – 1st may band
singing of Internationale followed by One Love Sound System
11pm ends

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