May 2003

WB&DTUC P.O. Box 2917, Wolverhampton WV2 2YA

Minutes of Delegate Meeting
Thursday 15th May 2003

Sis. M Taylor (Chair)

Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, W Juss, R Tinsley, J Grant, K Farmer, J Eastalow, S Evans,
D Ash, P Davis, R Deacon. Sis. M Taylor, K Clarke, P Welch, S Sagoo

1. Welcome to New Delegates & Apologies
Bros. R Marris MP, N Brackenridge, R Scroop, P Goalby, I Brookfield.

2. Minutes of April delegate meeting Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record
3.3 Bro. Davis gave a verbal report on local election results and the involvement of Conservatives in anti-asylum racist literature.
3.9. William Cooks rally Sat 7th June 11.00am Town Hall, Sheffield
3.18 Lighthouse Cinema Anti-war films will be shown Thursday 22 May.

3. Correspondence.

2. Unity Development Plan. Volunteer needed to read and submit comments/objections by June 6th – Sis Taylor nominated.
3. Wolverhampton Pensioners Convention AGM, to ask Bro. N Brackenridge.
5. Coach to Tolpuddle Martyrs Sunday 20th July see Secretary for places.
6. Morning Star web site listing, agreed renew £20.
13. TUC Women’s confidence building course – circulate to branch secretaries.

4. Reports:
a) Secretary, written report provided. Workers Beer Company need more helpers for festivals – contact Secretary if you want free entry to the likes of Glastonbury, Leeds etc.
b) Treasurer, profit of £36 made on coach 12th April, balance of funds ~£2000.
c) Palestine group Bro. Deacon gave verbal report. K Rana to hold garden party 12th July.
d) Stop the War group. See Secretary’s report.
e) FBU. Steve Godward unable to attend. Bro. Tinsley gave a verbal report. A written report to be provided at next meeting.
f) Other Workplace report. Bro. Eastalow gave verbal report on the state of Beacon Industries. Starting on 12th July 12 employees will be taken on, this may rise to 45.

5. Resolutions- None.

6. Speakers:
Women’s TUC – Sis Welch spoke to the written report provided.

Black Workers TUC – Bro.Warinder Juss -Verbal report given, two main observations. 1. A number of motions on racism/fascism made. It was felt that new legislation should not only apply to public sector but also the private sector. 2. Iraqi war situation. An emergency motion was passed on the FBU dispute.

7.0 AOB none

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