WB&D TUC Delegate Meeting MINUTES Thursday 20th May 04
Attendance: Sisters: M Taylor, P Welch Brothers: D Ash, N Kelleher, J Grant, R Tinsley, S Acheson plus 3 other TGWU pickets
1. Welcome to new delegates/visitors & Apologies: Sisters: S Sagoo Brother B Deacon, R Marris, P Goalby, A Millington, K Purchase
2. Minutes of April delegate meeting agreed correct, matters arising:
2.3.10 Cuba Solidarity Quiz night was booked for same evening as TUC delegate meeting
2.3.23 Secretary contacted Unite Against Fascism who said would send the £105 worth of merchandise ordered
2.5h) Sec to write to GMB B’ham for support for May Day
1. EC was cancelled, Correspondence:
3.1) GMB B’ham general affiliation – receipt sent
3.2) Amicus/GMB/TGWU posters for Fight for Manufacturing demo Birmingham 11am Sat 22nd May – distributed and delegates urged to attend
3.3) W’ton City Co.invite to WB&DTUC President to the Annual Council Meeting 6pm Wed. 23rd June, Wulfrun Hall – President not available – details to Secretary.
3.4) CYWU Quiz night – Newhampton 7.30pm £2.50 Friday 28th May
3.5) TUC LGBT conference – Bro.Deacon’s name submitted
3.6) TUC – Pensions demo Sat 19th June, London
3.7) United Campaign for repeal of Anti-TU Laws AGM Sat 12 June, London
3.8) Midlands TUC Overcoming Barriers to Employment seminar MONDAY 24th May, Derby 10am-1pm
3.9) W.Mids REC – document detailing history of British fascism & responses to it.
3.10) Seeds for Change – Oxford collective – free help with workshops – could utilise in future
3.11) Voices mailing – campaign against Occupation of Iraq
3.12) Torbay TUC request to support International campaign against Occupation of Iraq and for Labour Rights in Iraq and report of delegation – agreed to add WB&D TUC name
3.13) Birmingham TUC mailing, anti BNP rally Fri. 21st May Birmingham 7.30pm
3.14) Coventry TUC mailing
3.15) Fraternal Greetings for 10th May Day from the 3 MPs
3.16) £100 donation receipt and week 158 newsletter – Wm. Cook strikers – put on website
3.17) Wolverhampton National Pensioners’ Convention report of work and their “manifesto” – copies available from WB&DTUC Secretary
3.18) Sinn Fein NI Assembly Member John O’Dowd – letter of thanks re May Day
3.19) Rev. Ian Houghton new job, thanks for links with trades council.
3.20) Unite Against Fascism – national Day of Action Sunday 6th June
3.21) Searchlight – Hope Not Hate broadsheets now available – 1.25million printed
3.22) CSC AGM, London Sat 5th June
3.23) Wolverhampton Unemployment “Claimant Count” March 2004 decreased by 152 to 6,513 over. The current rate of unemployment for the Borough is 6.4%, West Midlands County 5.9%, nationally 2.5%.
3.24) Newsletters (available at meeting): ACTSA, Cuba Solidarity, Walsall WEA H&S, Searchlight, Voice of the Unions
3.25) WB&D TUC registration with TUC 2004
3.26) TGWU 6/1400/7 branch – DAF Electricians dispute details – invite
3.27) TUCJCC ballot paper – voting for Jim Cessford
3.28) Working Class Movement Library £25 donation
3.29) Birmingham TUC printing WMDay & anti-fascism £61.75
3.30) ACTSA AIDS petition
3.31) 2nd invoice for affiliation TGWU 5/748 to Regional T&G office
3.32) Palestine Solidarity £25 affiliation, £75 donation
3.33) WMDay wreath invoices Rob Marris, UNISON, FBU – all paid
3.34) anti-BNP LGBT leaflet and Punjabi anti-BNP leaflet artwork produced
4. Reports:
a) Secretary – reprint of anti-fascist leaflets requested from the Bishop for churches. Anti-fascist leafletting in Dudley Gornal ward requested of us by Black Country Unite Against Fascism
b) CYWU- Sis. Taylor – strike successful, 2 offices closed, WB&D TUC banner present. Nationally, concessions won new ballot and 3.3% rise.
c) Fire Brigades Union report from Bro.Tinsley. After last year’s strike pay rises agreed 4% then 7% Nov 03, 4.2% July04. Only 3.5% was paid last November. Audit Commission saying that modernisation was on track. Dispute emanating from Manchester due to Chief Fire Officer’s bully tactics. Action in support of claim taken this week at Wolverhampton, Willenall, Bloxwich and Aldridge but not Bilston. Any information from FBU will be put on our website.
d) Euro Packaging – GPMU – information circulated, invite to next meeting. Agreed £100 if financial support sought. Send letter of support.
5. Resolutions – none received
6. Four speakers from TGWU 6/1400/7 branch, Manchester. Picket 1 year and 1 day old. Employers paying trade union dues seems widespread in industry. Construction the most dangerous industry. Young unskilled workers were being brought in to do skilled electrical work.
Tribunals June 7-11th. Secretary to write to Tony Woodley expressing our support for the strikers and to our affiliated branches seeking support. £100 donation, £90 train travel agreed.
7. AOB – none
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