WB&D TUC Delegate Meeting MINUTES Thursday 15th April 04
Attendance: Sisters: H Aujla, Brothers: A Turner, , N Kelleher, G Baynham, W Juss, J Grant, B Deacon(in the Chair), C Stoll, R Chumba, A Doyle.
1. Welcome to new delegates/visitors & Apologies: Sisters: S Sagoo M Taylor Brother: D Ash
2. Minutes of March delegate meeting, matters arising:
2.3.4 Wm. Cooks – LETTER OF SUPPORT & £100 sent
3.3.6 facility time for Bro.Deacon – await instruction after complaint
3. Correspondence
3.1) Wolverhampton Race Equality Agency draft report by consultants – noted
3.2) TGWU 6/1400/7 branch – DAF Electricians dispute details – 48th week – Sec to invite to future delegate meeting as speakers
3.3) TUC Organising against racism & fascism handbook – spare copy available
3.4) Birmingham TUC mailing, miners’ event 6.30 Mon. 19th April, Bread & Roses
3.5) Bishop of Wolverhampton – anti-BNP church literature and leaflet copy
3.6) TUC – anti BNP rally 21 May Birmingham 7.30pm
3.7) Wolverhampton Unemployment “Claimant Count” Feb 2004 increased by 230 to 6,665 current rate of unemployment for Borough 6.5%. West Midlands 6% national rate 2.6%
3.8) TUCJCC ballot paper – agreed vote for J.Cessford
3.9) Working Class Movement Library appeal for funds – £25 agreed
3.10) Wolverhampton Cuba Solidarity affiliation agreed renewal £25, list of merchandise, next meeting Thurs 29th April. Cuba Quiz (Thurs 20 May – same night as WB&DTUC delegate meeting)
3.11) Cuba Solidarity AGM London June 5
3.12) ACTSA AIDS petition – circulated and names collected
3.13) TUC Tolpuddle weekend 16-18 July leaflets and youth camp 11-18 July
3.14) Birmingham TUC mailing – May Day 1st May 4pm-8pm Bread & Roses
3.15) Coventry TUC mailing
3.16) Bro.Marris signed EDM on Cuban science
3.17) Liberty AGM 24 April, London
3.18) N.Staffs Miners’ Wives letter of thanks for our support & donation
3.19) Birmingham TUC invoice for printing WMDay & anti-fascism £61.75 1600xA4, 150xA3
3.20) Newsletters (available at meeting): ACTSA, Liberty, Walsall WEA H&S, Voice of the Unions, TU Friends of Searchlight,
3.21) Re-affiliation requests to unaffiliated TU branches
3.22) Invoice for affiliation TGWU 5/748
3.23) Materials from Unite Against Fascism £105
3.24) £100 cheque for Wm.Cooks strikers and letter of support
3.25) receipt to Amicus Bilston
3.26) Walsall WEA, BCUIM, Hazards – Workers Memorial Day leaflets & details
3.27) Workers Beer Company teams for Homelands (12 people) and Glastonbury (22 people recruited)
4. No EC nominations received
5. Reports:
a) Secretary – written report circulated. WMDay, May Day, asylum facts & myths posters, anti-BNP posters, anti-BNP leaflets with quotes from Bishop & nurse – all produced and distributed at meeting. Anti-Le Pen demo 25 April
b) Treasurer – none
c) CYWU national strike – new strike dates due
d) W.Mids CATUC – planning for TUCs` conference & rally
f) Workers Memorial Day 28th April St Peters Sq. 12.30pm any TU branches who want a wreath send £20 to Secretary who will arrange if you require
g) Anti-Racist Sub-Committee – Will need people available on Thurs pm 13th May for declaration of candidates. – nominations of fascists need to be checked. Leafleting 2nd May Sandwell & Walsall. Stewards requested for April 19th Tipton meeting.
h) May Day – 1st May – Sinn Fein speaker 12 -4pm Victoria pub entry via Craddock St. Begging letters to TUs sent. Send to GMB B’ham.
i) Stop the War group – next meeting 19th April
j) Palestine group – national demo next meeting 6 May. Demo Sat. May 15th local transport being organised, contact Bro.Deacon. Agreed subsidy for transport. Agreed to circulate branches with material from group
k) Women’s TUC conference report – Sis.Sagoo provided a written report
l) Midlands TUC LGBT – Bro.Deacon provided a written report.
6. Any Other Business – Sis.Aujla last meeting – going to Canada.
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