Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network

tucpensioners oct17 page1

Report to Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council of latest meeting


TUC Midlands Pensioners’ Network Executive Committee, 18th September 2019
The network meets three times a year, generally inviting a speaker and devoting most of its time to a single topic its Executive Committee also meets three times a year to formulate lines of work

September’s Executive Committee seemed likely to be poorly attended. Brexit and (as if then appeared) prospects of a general election as early mid-October were log jamming almost all our ongoing work, so we decided to hold an open meeting in order to:
• Get feedback from TUC congress and September’s Midlands Regional Council; and,

• Take stock of our position and make realistic plans for the autumn.

Attendance: Nine representing four unions and two trades councils but, including, it appeared, only two women.

Louise Regan (NEU) fed back from TUC Congress. This year’s. congress was less dominated by Brexit than last year. Focus on workers’ rights and collective bargaining with several groups of workers in dispute visiting. Jeremy Corbyn, Laura Pidcock and Keir Starmer addressed congress. Major debates also included Climate change/Green Deal, Privatisation esp NHS and Austerity.

Congress motions with direct impact on older people, as such, included:
• Composite 3: Buses and a Green Transport System (ASLEF, TSSA);
• Composite 16: Transforming Social Care (0MB amended by. UNISON); and,
• Motion 54: Over 75s’ TV Licences and Funding the BBC(NUJ,.Prospecf)

Over 75s’ TV Licences. Despite sustained lobbying, government remains unresponsive. Hard to know what to do next. Gill Ogilvie, GMB and LP candidate, Walsqll North, offered to convene meeting but has been unresponsive to follow-up. Disappointing but isitworth pressing her?

Social Care. Government has kicked its promised Green Paper so far into the long grass, if is probably lost forever. Prime minister made no commitment in yesterday’s Queen’s Speech. LP commitment following party conference needs clarifying. Does Labour mean what if says about a National Care Service? i.e will it be modelled on NHS or will it still involve patchwork, provision based on local councils ‘commissioner/provider’, private and voluntary sector, etc.?
Celebrate the Bus. Unite’s formal. support ok but capacity to deliver less certain. If we re-run in 2020, perhaps we must settle for that and aim to do the work locally to build bus workers’ support.

Women’s Concessionary Pass. West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) has introduced a Women’s Concessionary Pass, available now to women born between &h March and 5th
November 1954 who live in the WMCA area—Birmingham, Solihull, Covent ry. or the Black Country. Diamond buses do not accept it and Sandwell Trades Council and WMCATUC are campaigning about this. I have asked Sandwell for their campaigning material but not yet received. Personally, I think the priority lies with publicising; the pass to the women concerned.  .

Far Right and Older People. Invite speaker to November meeting but agreed to cancel. if election.

Save our Shops. We’ll look into how to support this USDAW campaign.
Midlands TUC Equalities Conference Saturday 19th October; Thank goodness Midlands TUC is keeping this a secret till the last minute. Otherwise they might get the hoipolloi along.
Bob Deacon- 16th October 2019 



Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network, Derby, 9th July 2019

 17 present from five unions and four trades councils including, it appeared, seven women and two Black members.


Far Right and Older People

Sue Coe addressed TUC National Pensioners’ Committee in April on tackling the far right. We agreed to invite her as a speaker to discuss not just how older people may be attracted by fascism as such, also broader question of people moving right as they age, how to stem that and win older people’s support for anti-austerity politics. Sue was unavailable but to be pursued.

Gender Pensions Gap

Following Working Women’s Week visit to parliament, joint group of pensioners’ network and women’s committee arranging further meeting with MPs, provisionally 11th September on factors that limit women’s chances to save for pension (labour market discrimination, menopause, other health issues, caring responsibilities.

 Midlands TUC – Equalities Conference – Saturday 19th October

Concerns how the event is being planned, whether Midlands Inclusion Committee, particularly its Black members, effectively involved. Need to get back to periodic Chairs’ & Secretaries’ meetings arranged as part of the annual schedule.

 Over 75s’ Free TV Licence

600,000 have signed AgeUK petition. Following a parliamentary petition, Westminster Hall debate on Monday 15th July. Network has done work to lobby MPs in advance of debate. But what next? Network felt there is a need to link with BBC unions and breathe life into 2016 TUC congress resolution from BECTU.

 Celebrate the Bus

Link with Unite led to problems and to drop in numbers taking part, number of MPs involved, and postcards signed. Nevertheless, well received and growth beyond Midlands. Aim similar campaign 2020 and seek to overcome problems. Links with Labour party being followed up in Buxton and Ludlow. Links with Labour Party in Birmingham had us set for campaigning activity in five Birmingham constituencies this weekend but on Monday this week Midlands TUC declared, “Having now been able to discuss this fully with colleagues we are not able to have TUC branding on leaflets”. These were leaflets TUC were supposed to have designed and ordered. What a splendid organisation to be working with, eh?

 Other Items

  • Health & Social Care

people urged to respond to Labour policy forum consultation https://www.policyforum.labour.org.uk/commissions/health/rebuilding-a-public-nhs

  • Financial Appeal – has raised £780, £700 of it from one union. Wolves remains the only trades council response but still not received.

  • UNISON Birmingham University Dispute – strike 16&17 July

  • GMB Amazon Picket – Rugeley, 4.30pm, 19th July

Bob Deacon   15th July 2019





Report to Wolverhampton, Bilston and District Trades Union Council
TUC Midlands Pensioners’ Network, Derby, 7th November 2018

21 present from six unions and five trades councils. Best attended meeting for several years
including, it appeared, a small majority of women but only a small number of Black workers.

Main Topic: Homelessness and Older People. Speaker from Shelter.
 Homelessness among people over state pension age up 30% since 2013/4
 Associated with relationship breakdown; one partner moves into private rented
accommodation then factors arise making it hard to sustain tenancy.
 Associated with rising state pensions age, factors making it hard for older workers to
stay in work, loss of Defined Benefit occupational pensions and pension freedom.
 Overlap with mental health inc. ex-forces, PTSD etc.  Closure of refuge places leads to more women rough sleeping and pressured into
sex work.
 Rough sleeping spreading out of city centres to airports and to smaller towns. Bus pass enables older homeless people can travel farther to find somewhere safe.

Intergenerational Commission Report
Concern continues TUC has allowed itself to appear to support the commission’s proposals
and fails to take steps to distance itself from them. TUC submission to House of Lords
Intergenerational Fairness and Provision Committee (available on request) has been made
with no consultation with pensioners. Makes good points (eg supports triple lock) but evades
other questions including:  Workers over SPA paying National Insurance;  Charging National Insurance on occupational pensions; and,  Means testing social care.

Celebrate the Bus
Last April’s campaign being followed up with Unite. Plans for a TUC/Unite weekend of action
provisionally 28-30 March 2019.

Other Items
 GMB Demo, Amazon, Rugeley, Friday 23rd November 5pm
 Health Campaigns Together Conference Birmingham, 17th November  Birmingham are Workers on strike 14-18 and 25-29 November  Collective Defined Contribution Pensions
 Over 75s’ free TV Licences

Future Meetings: Wednesdays 20th March, 10th July, 13th November 2019 at 1pm

Bob Deacon


TUC Midlands Pensioners’ Network
Minutes of a Meeting held at Derby on 11th July 2018
Present Yvonne Washbourne (PCS) in the chair; David Baldwin, Annie Jones, Judith Longbottom, Joanne Taylor, Andrew Wood, Sue Wood (all UNISON); Rowena Dawson, Bryn Griffiths (both UCU); Bob Deacon (Wolverhampton TUC); Sandra Durkin (PCS);Martin Eversfield, George Farthing (both Rugby TUC);
Brian Herberston (Derby TUG); John Stevenson (GMB).
1 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Wash welcomed a new delegate and speaker Jack Jones, TUG.
2. Executive Committee Vacancies
• East Midlands One nomination for women’s seat Jo Taylor UNISON elected no nomination for general seat -agreed to leave unfilled
• West Midlands Two nominations for women’s seat Margaret Clarke GMB and Annie Jones, UNISON; Also two for general seat, Brian Adams, GMB and
Martin Eversfield, Rugby TUG. Ballot papers issued; Rowena and Sandra tellers.
3 Apologies for Absence
Brian Adams, Margaret Clarke (both GMB); Richard Chamberlain (Prospect); Jude Cuthbert, Sheena Gordon, Val Graham, Malcolm Swann, Jean Williams (all UNISON) Tilly Greenhill (CWU) Max Hyde (NEU-NUT) Nirmal Pheasant (Derby TUG); Jeff Prout (PCS); Monica Taylor (Unite).
4. Minutes of the Network Meeting of 14th March 2018
Approved as a correct record subject to correcting Brian Adams’. name.
5 Matters Arising from the Minutes
• Item 8.2 – Tenth Anniversary of the Bus Pass
Brian congratulated those involved in the ‘bus tour’.
• Item 11.1 -Levellers’ Day
Event, as originally planned, cancelled but smaller event took place.
6. Report – Executive Committee of 16 1h May 2018
Wash made a brief report including:
• Women’s Pensions Working Party Hiatus as mail to MPs appears not to have been received and change of shadow minister for Work & Pensions;
• Care White Paper Government has announced delay till autumn.
7. Intergenerational Commission Report
Report published in May. Some of its proposals gained media coverage and have attracted criticism. Jack stressed that it is the Resolution Foundation’s (RF) report not the TUC’s and the TUG has-its own policies on the questions that the report covers. TUG is critical of RF’s focus on intergenerational unfairness and points out inequality is greater and has grown more within generations than between them. Our approach is to build Intergenerational Unity which will be title of a panel discussion at Tolpuddle. TUG took a strategic decision to get involved with the commission and felt it had succeeded getting it to focus on impacts on young workers such as:
• Labour Market: Unemployment at record low despite sluggish economy but wages have faced longest decline ever and has affected young workers more than older Zind doubled generational pay gap. Growth of insecure jobs, zero-hours contracts and low paid self-employment. Declining job mobility means a job no longer a route to a better job and keeps down wages. Few young workers in jobs like these join unions.
• Housing: Low incomes, student debt and rising house prices mean 30-yearolds now half as likely to own a house; most likely to be in private rented where rents rising fast. Wealthy young people can borrow from Bank of Mum & Dad and will, in due course inherit parents housing wealth while less well of are locked out permanently and may have neither a secure home nor the chance to accumulate wealth.
• Pensions: Disappearance of defined benefit schemes and introduction of auto-enrolment means more young people in occupational schemes, but schemes are not as good, they are not saving enough, and individual workei bear all the risk. –
Jack outlined some of the commission’s recommendations. The network welcomed such a wide-ranging report but felt RF focus on intergenerational inequality was unhelpful so the TUC now needs to clarify its own position possibly with a new editior
:1 of the Touchstone pamphlet “Young versus Old”.
8 Workplan
Network reviewed and updated the workplan. (Circulated separately) including a report on:
• Bus Tour visited 20 places, worked with variety of partners including 10 Laboui MPS who joined the campaigning, collected 1600+ postcards to send to 90+ of Midlands 107 MPs and to about 40 others. Tour has been reported to TUC National Pensioners’ Committee. Discussion underway to launch ‘Action for Bus’- broad-based long-term campaign, paralleling Action for Rail to unite bus workers and bus users to pursue clear aims. Also, a proposal to go to UNISON’s holiday camp at Croyde Bay in 2019.
9. Ballot Result Annie and Martin elected.
10 Finance £548.32 in hand TUC annual grant of £250 still not received
11. Reports Wash reported on Midlands TUC Trades Council Conference on 1 91hMa’ 12 Correspondence None
13. Other Business Together Against Trump; Conservative Party Conference; Wes


Report  Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network 22 November 2017


18 present; 50;50-ish gender balance. Continuing issue how to involve Black trade unionists. Bob Deacon attended on the trades council’s behalf.


Main topic: Our NHS

Speaker: Annette Mansell Green, British Dietetic Association & TUC General Council

Malcolm Swann, UNISON, reported on Health Campaigns Together Conference, Hammersmith Town Hall 4th November (Report available on request.)

  • NHS major concern for older people therefore for our network but hard for a regional body to operationalise as campaigns need to be local and focused;
  • Good local work in Midlands e.g. Chesterfield, Corby, Stoke on Trent;
  • However, campaigns sometimes reactive, defensive, late in the day; Links between campaigners and unions not always good
  • Dilemma whether to get involved in NHS structures like CCG Patient Participation Groups – Window dressing?
  • STPs important focus – secrecy, opaque language, lack of consultation;
  • 70th anniversary of NHS July 2018 – possible focus
  • Campaigns led by older people. Younger people responsive but involvement hard to sustain;
  • Anomaly oldies NHS’s greatest beneficiaries but also social group most likely to vote Tory;
  • TUC and larger trade unions not good at mobilising, procedures cumbersome
  • TUC plays into media hands – doctors and nurses narrative – marginalises other NHS workers, prominence of BMA and RCN – non-TUC unions;
  • Immediate funding crisis, PFI debt
  • NHS problems insoluble without solution to social care, pending Green Paper


Local Housing Allowance Caps

Prime Minister announced caps will not apply to social housing. Removes threat to extend Bedroom Tax to pensioners or to cap under-35s in social housing at the shared accommodation rate. But continuing threat to sheltered/supported housing e.g. announcement 29 November re domestic violence refuges.


Tenth Anniversary of the Bus Pass

Details of bus tour starting to be put together. Likely to be in Wolverhampton midday Wednesday 11th April.


Other items

  • Finance: £700+ in hand. Financial appeal with bus tour publicity in January
  • Women’s Pensions Working Group has made links shadow minister
  • 2018 appointments and executive nominations
  • Surviving Same-Sex Partners pensions – following Supreme Court decision
  • Britain Still Needs a Pay Rise – Northampton Rally 21st October


Bob Deacon 30th November 2017


Briefing to the TUC pensioners’ committee – 31/10/17 – Matt Creagh (mcreagh@tuc.org.uk)
Impact of Walker – Headline
The Supreme Court found that UK legislation which permitted discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation (ironically contained in the Equality Act) was incompatible with the Equal Treatment Directive. Any discrimination relating to the provision of services/benefits (including benefits), arising after the Equal Treatment Directive, on the grounds of sexual orientation, is not acceptable. Regardless of UK legislation which permits this.
Impact of Walker on pensions
Some key dates which were referred to in this case:
1. 5th December 2005 – civil partnerships were introduced into law.
2. 2nd December 2003 – UK implementation of the Framework Directive for Equal Treatment – Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, later the Equality Act
3. Barber decision of 1990
Key facts of the case:
Mr Walker is a gay man who has been living with his partner since 1993.
Applied for a civil partnership on 05/12/2006 – it was registered on 23/01/06
They are now married
Shortly after the civil partnership was registered, Mr Walker asked Innospec to confirm that, in the event of his death, they would pay the spouse’s pension, which the scheme provides for, to his civil partner. Innospec’s pensions scheme provides that when a member dies a substantial pension passes on to the survivor’s spouse.
They refused, because his service predated 5 December 2005.
If Mr Walker was married to a woman, or, indeed, if he married a woman in the future, she would be entitled on his death to the pension provided by the scheme to a surviving spouse. When the claim was issued, the value of that “spouse’s pension” was about £45,700 per annum. As things stand at present, Mr Walker’s husband will be entitled to a pension of about £1,000 per annum (the statutory guaranteed minimum).
The basis of the refusal (which was confirmed after Mr Walker and his partner married) is paragraph 18 of Schedule 9 to the Equality Act 2010. This provisions makes it lawful to discriminate against a person in a civil partnership/same sex marriage from having access to a benefit, facility or service, if the right to that service accrued before 5 December 2005.
Mr Walker brought a claim to ET claiming direct discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.
Successful at Employment Tribunal, but failed at Employment Appeal Tribunal and the Court of Appeal – why?
They referred to a line of legal reasoning from the Barber case – which said that new legal rules (Equal Treatment Directive) did not apply to services/benefits which were permanently fixed. Barber basically said that as pension rights accrued they became fixed. And therefore any pension entitlements falling before the deadline for transposing the Directive fell outside it’s scope.
Crux of the matter considered by the Supreme Court is whether the provisions in the Equality Act contravened the Equal Treatment Directive
Supreme Court findings
1. Yes, Innospec had discriminated against Mr Walker and they could not rely on the Equality Act as this was incompatible with the Directive.
2. Three of the judges – Barber line of reasoning did not apply – there were exceptional circumstances around this case.
3. Recent decision from the ECJ – Romer and Maruko – very similar facts to Walker – both periods of service were entirely or almost entirely before the implementation of the Dircective – ECJ held in both cases that the same sex partner should be entitled to pension provision.

Parris v Trinity College Dublin
Reference to the ECJ from the Labour Court in Ireland. Also concerned a claim for a survivor’s pension under the Framework Directive.
Entered a UK civil partnership in 2009. Civil partnerships not recognised in Ireland until 2011.
He had been paying into his non-contributory occupational pension scheme since 1972. He retired in 2010.
His scheme provided a survivor’s pension. But only where the marriage took place before the member’s 60th birthday.
ECJ considered whether there was indirect discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, direct age discrimination, and/or discrimination of those grounds.
UK made submissions that because his service predated the implementation of 2003 directive they could not be subject to the principle of equal treatment.
Advocate General Kokott rejected the UK govt arguments.
However there was no discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation in this case because the age limit applied to both opposite sex and same sex couples based on an age requirement.

Further considerations:

In their provision of survivor benefits, public service schemes discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and sex. Survivor benefits paid to same-sex spouses, civil partners and widowers are based on pensionable service from 6 April 1988. Benefits paid to widows of an opposite sex marriage are based on pensionable service from 1 April 1972 onwards.
Future case of O’Brien – part time judge – equal treatment on pension provisions – ECJ to consider the Barber line of reasoning
Impact of Brexit – ECJ case law still be binding? Would provisions of the Equality Act mentioned above, still stand if they are not amended pre-Brexit, in light of the Walker case?
Impact on public sector – Barber line of reasoning – there may be exceptional circumstances where it is not possible to pay pension liabilities – for example where these might have a catastrophic effect on public finances.
TUC has written to Chief Secretary of Treasury to seek reassurance that there will be equal treatment for same sex couples in public sector pensions scheme – 31/07/17
Response from the Treasury – 22/08/17 – no commitment and they are considering the implications of the Walker case


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Report to Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network, 12th July 2017

18 present including, it appeared, ten women but only one Black member.

West Midlands Pensioners’ Convention / UKIP
North Staffs TUC rep defended WMPC’s position but proposed no course of action so the network’s links with WMPC remain suspended.

TUC Action following the General Election
Rob Johnson, region’s Policy & Campaigns Officer, reviewed the election result and current position. TUC focus on public sector pay cap. Two rallies planned in West Midlands (details to follow):
Stoke on Trent 30th September
Telford 14th October

Bus Services Act 2017
Enacted in pre-election wash-up. Act is very modest. Won’t challenge dominant position of five multi-national companies which seldom compete or reverse 39% drop in bus use since deregulation in 1986. Opportunities for campaigning may arise with election of metro-mayor but opportunities are limited since no new funding comes with the act. Officers will meet Rob to explore incl poss link with 10th anniversary of bus pass.

Pensions etc.
DUP agreement appears to protect Triple Lock and universal Winter Fuel Payment. Government response on Cridland still awaited. Network set up a women’s working party which is developing a campaign.

Election of Executive Committee
UNISON raised an issue about people not appointed as delegates standing in EC election. Letter noted. Problem appears to be that some delegates struggle with the procedures of their own trade union.

Closure of Hospital Beds, North Staffs Malcolm Swann made a report. This sounds like a good piece of work that the rest of us could learn from.

Other Issues
Carers Week not pursued this year cos General election; poss next year.
Black History Month possibility of event being investigated.
Demo at Tory Party Conference Sunday 1st October
Finance £961.51 in hand. Banner cost £124.55.
UNISON Residential Care Charter
Phoenix House – campaign to prevent closure successful

Bob Deacon
17th July 2017



Report to Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Midlands TUC Pensioners Network 22nd March 2017

Attendance 21 delegates representing six unions1 and five trades councils2 including, it appeared, twelve women and nine men but only one Black delegate.

Election of Executive Committee
Chairperson Yvonne Washbourne, PCS
Deputy Chairperson Bob Deacon, Wolverhampton
Secretary Jean Williams, UNISON
West Midlands General Seats Brian Adam, GMB
Winifred Whitehouse, UNISON
West Midlands Women’ Seats Margaret Clark, GMB – elected
(contested) Sue Wood, UNISON – elected
(Judith Longbottom, UNISON – not elected)
East Midlands General Seats Two vacancies
East Midlands Women’ Seats Rowena Dawson, UCU
One Vacancy
Observer TUC Pensions Committee Yvonne Washbourne

Finance: Current balance £982.76; outstanding donation from Walsall UNISON; banner still to pay for – est. £100-£150.

Splendid New Banner, made by Rowena Dawson and Winifred Whitehouse, on display at Midlands TUC AGM, had its first outing at NHS demo, March 4th.

Midlands TUC Equality Forum Inaugural meeting held 27th January. Report from Monica Taylor (Unite) and Sue Wood (UNISON). Still to find its feet. Concerns it gets support it needs to get under way.

Work Plan for 2017 Adopted. Available on request. Some features:
Bulletin to be produced to improve communication with MTUC and unions;
Possible joint work with Women’s Committee around Carers’ Week (12-18 June);
West Midlands Pensioners’ Convention – future links questionable following WMPC invite to UKIP- to be raised with Regional Secretary;
Pensions – Sod’s Law would have it our meeting fell the day before publication of Cridland’s final report! Network set up a group to look at women’s pension issues;
Transport was to have been main topic for March meeting but speaker cried off. Agreed invite July or November. Need to get to grips with Buses Bill.

Other Items
Pharmacy Closures – currently subject to judicial review.
Attendance Allowance – reported previously.
Worcester TUC 125th Anniversary.
DWP office closure – impact on Mesothelioma Scheme – see attached briefing from Asbestos Support Central England.

Future Meetings 12th July and 22nd November –both Wednesdays, 1pm-3pm, Unite, Derby.

Bob Deacon  27th March 2017


Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network – report of meeting on 30th November 2016



14 delegates including, it appeared, 7 women but only one Black delegate.


Main Item – UNISON’s Save Care Now Campaign

Nottingham is first Midlands Council to sign UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter. Mick Moreton, an organiser working with the UNISON branch, described their campaign. Key factors seemed to be that portfolio holder for social care was well disposed and detailed work with managers responsible for commissioning. Underpinned by relatively high membership density but no public campaigning or community links. Proof of the pudding will come with later contract management and monitoring.

Midlands TUC Equality Conference Brief report. Network elected Monica Taylor (Unite) and Sue Wood (UNISON) as network reps to the new Equality Committee.

2017 Network Nominations Request has been circulated.

Sustainability and Transformation Plans Elaine Smith (Unite) attended September 17th conference. Conference joint statement circulated. Plans now available. Delegates urged to get to grips with local plans. Elaine may be able to assist.

National TUC Pensioners’ Committee Wash reported on October meeting. Covered Action for Rail, Buses Bill, Cridland Review – re further increases to State Pension Age; Pharmacy Closures – Top-&-tail letter to be circulated, Young Workers’ Month.

Committee appears more positive and campaigning-focused. Spends less time moaning about the infrequency of its meetings and its lack of status.

Bedroom Tax. Government plans to use Local Housing Allowance rates to cap Housing Benefit without any exemption for pensioners, in effect extending the Bedroom Tax to pensioners

Attendance Allowance We reviewed campaign so far including Tory Party conference lobby – now on hold awaiting further government proposals.


Other Items

  • Banner under production at last
  • Financial appeal raised £675. Delegates asked to convey thanks.
  • Action for Rail 3rd January
  • East Midlands Pensioners Convention planning “Generations United” Event


Bob Deacon UNISON 06.12.2016



Report to Wolverhampton, Bilston & District Trades Union Council

Midlands TUC Pensioners’ Network, Derby, 10th August 2016

Attendance: 16 – 8 women and 8 men – that’s two meetings in a row we have achieved gender parity – but, it appeared, not including any Black delegates.

Attendance Allowance: This was the main item. The government proposes to devolve responsibility, in England to councils. The network has raised the issue with Congress House and has produced a top-&-tail letter to MPs

Unwelcome the Tories to Birmingham, 1st-5th October

International Day for Older People, 1st October

Network agreed to work with West Midlands Pensioners’ Convention and Coventry Branch British Pensioners’ and Trades Unionists’ Action Association to do a street stall on Monday 3rd October, probably on Attendance Allowance. Details will be circulated once available.

Besides the network’s activity to unwelcome the Tories, other stuff I’m aware of ….

  • Saturday 1st October: Peoples’ Assembly Conference

  • Sunday 2nd October: Midlands TUC/Peoples’ Assembly Demo Victoria Square 11.30am.

  • Plus some cultural/entertainment stuff with which the UNISON Regional LGBT group and Birmingham Branch are involved. Details: jennie.antonio@birminghamunison.co.uk

    This will be held for the second year. Details will be included in the October newsletter if available.

    Financial Appeal, following delay, was circulated in July. The only donations received by the time of the network meeting were from Wolverhampton and Worcester Trades Councils.

    Executive Committee Vacancies

    Farouk Haidar, Mike McLoughlin and Elaine Smith (all Unite) elected.

    Future Meetings

    Network: 30 November*, 22 March, 12 July, 22 November

    Executive: 11 January, 10 May, 20 September

    *Speaker from Nottingham UNISON on City Council adopting Ethical Care Charter

    Other Items

    • Banner

    • Midlands TUC Equalities Conference, Saturday 29th October

    • Network Membership – total now 40, including 18 women.

    • Review Pensions Conference, Leicester, 18th May

    • Review Stall at Chainmakers

    • Action for Rail 13th August

    • Merger of Midland TUC LGBT, BAME and Disabled Groups

    • Health Campaigns Together Conference 17th September

    Bob Deacon, 7th September 2016

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