Secretary: Nick Kelleher: P.O. Box 2917, Wolverhampton WV2 2YA
01902 686613 e-mail info@wolvestuc.org.uk website: www.wolvestuc.org.uk
Minutes of Delegate Meeting
Thursday 20th November 2003
Attendance: Bros. N Brackenridge, N Kelleher, R Deacon, W Juss, G Baynham, D Ash, A Turner
Sis. M Taylor(Chair), S Sagoo, H Aujla.
1. Apologies: Bros. D Joynson, D Turner, J Grant, S Murphy, G Dodd, P Goalby
2. Minutes of October delegate meeting – Agreed a true and accurate record
Matters Arising:
2.3.7) local speaker who had attended ESF, not available on Thursdays. Sec. has contact in youth CND who attended ESF who could be invited to speak.
3. Executive report (13-11-03) matters arising:
3.3.2) WM CATUC officer nominations: Steve Hart-Secretary/Treasurer, M Taylor-President, N Kelleher- Vice President, John Swift EC & auditor
3.3.3) Workers Beer Company de-briefing meeting agreed to send WBC delegates if they have issues to raise.
3.3.6) EDM 1689 Sec to ask Bro.Purchase to sign
3.3.14) Bro. Deacon nominated to Midlands TUC LGB&T Network. motions to Regional TUC (to be put via CATUC) a) “Meetings involving lay members should be organised outside works time”, b) re LGBT Network, via EC c) Trade Union Rights – via EC
4. Reports:
a) Secretary – written report provided.
b) WB&D TUC Anti-Racist sub-committee – minutes distributed. Discussion on plans for Holocaust Memorial Day 27-1-04.
c) Stop the War group, Stop Bu$h week – report given on activities: STW meeting, banner drops, film and public meeting. Radio interviews were used on news broadcasts all week. There was an interview with the E&S but it was not covered. Others from the local group got on radio and TV on the huge national demo.
d) Palestine group next meeting 4th December. There will be public activity Queens Square 12-2pm against Israel’s Apartheid Wall Sat.13th December.
e) FBU – Bro.Tinsley gave a report on the employers’ failure to honour the second stage of their pay claim. Unofficial action had taken place in some areas. The government’s Fire Service bill means that they can now impose terms and conditions. Ballot closes 29th November.
f) Bro.Turner reported on three of his branch members who had just left for Cuba, fundraising for the Haven, and taking medical supplies and money from the local CSC group.
5. Resolutions – none
6. Speaker: Bob Deacon (UNISON) spoke on the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regs 2003
7. Any Other Business no time to show video of Colombian Sinaltainal TU campaign so will show at 7pm, before next meeting. Seasonal refreshments to be arranged as usual.
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