November 2005

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC

Sisters:  Halfpenny (NUT),  Ceresa (UNISON) Welch (NATFHE)

Brothers:   Kelleher (UNISON),  Grant (NATFHE), Baynham (AMICUS), Turner (UNISON),  Tinsley (FBU), Hardacre (NUT),  Juss (GMB),  Ash (UNISON)

Apologies:  Cole (NUT),Davis (UNISON),  Sagoo (UNISON)  Taylor (CYWU),  Farmer (UNISON)


Mike Hardacre was welcomed as a new member to the meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true record
 2.3.4 Inquiries had been made concerning public liability insurance re. use of Dunstall           Hill Community Centre to Councillor Tersaim Singh
3.2.5 Letter had been drafted as a response to UNISON Health branch disaffiliation.
3.2.7 Cheque will be sent to ACTSA
4g)   LGBT TUC  1. Letter to congratulate CWU’s stance sent.
           2. Suitable letters will be sent Pat McFadden if necessary.

3.1 No Executive Committee report as no meeting
3.2 Correspondence –
3.2.1   Some delegates have already taken part in activities to support the  Rahimi family’s campaign to stay in Wolverhampton.
 3.2.5    An excellent public meeting organised by WB&DTUC/STW Nick   Kelleher has copies of a computer CD video of the event available to   delegates.
3.2.8    Rob Marris has written to Wolverhampton Caterpillar MD to ascertain  whether any parts manufactured in Wolverhampton are used for  demolition of Palestinian communities.
3.2.12 Warinder Juss was the only member present who could represent as an  observer at the TUC Black Workers Conference but he had left the  room at this moment.
3.2.14 TUC Organising Unions Organising Communities sounded interesting  but notice was too short to participate.  NK to write complaining about  short notice
3.2.15 Wolverhampton Cuba Solidarity Quiz, White Rose, Bilston 30.11.05  on website
 3.2.18  Agreed TUCND affiliation £12
 3.2.19 Agreed West Midlands CATUC affiliation 2006 £30
 3.2.20 Agreed Hazards 2006 sponsorship £25
 3.2.23 Abortion Rights Defend the time limit campaign – postcards completed   by delegates to send to MPs
 3.2.24 Wolverhampton Council consultation on Community Involvement will   be done on line ends 19.12.05
 3.2.25 M Halfpenny will complete Regional Spatial Strategy questionnaire on   behalf of WB&DTUC

a) Secretary – Iraq the Way Forward (See 3.2.5) John Grant thanked Nick Kelleher for organising the event.  A Murray was an excellent speaker.  When the 100th soldier is killed in Iraq supporters will assemble at 5pm at Queen’s Square the following day.  10.12.05 ‘Who Shot the Sheriff’anti racist film at Lighthouse.  
b)  Treasurer –  £2536 in hand
c) Pensions Campaign – Rob Marris met,  he had discussion with Alan Johnson pensions minister.  Local Government schemes are locally based.  West Midlands not in deficit but other are.  “Media Lies” regarding pensions.
d) WB&TUC Employment Advisory Sub committee – no report
e) FBU – integrated risk management plan is produced annually 2004-5 plan reduced night time cover from 15 to 13 appliances, revised shift system.  New shift system proposed was unacceptable to FBU.  Since action started 65 fire-fighters joined FBU. Letter of support to be sent to Pete Gallagher at union office.
f) No reports from CSC and PSC as delegates not present.  CSC quiz see 3.2.15. PSC  public meeting 26.11.05 at St Andrew’s Church
Two reports were tabled from Tracy Morgan TU Congress report and     Wolverhampton Council Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Panel

5. RESOLUTION : ‘Rahmi Family Must Stay Campaign’ from UNISON General Branch
Moved Nick Kelleher Seconded John Grant
This TUC agrees to write to the Minister of State for Immigration, Tony McNulty MP asking him to grant full refugee status to the family.  Also to write to our local MPs raising the issue with them.  WB&DTUC will support the campaign by making a financial donation.
This was passed unanimously and a donation of £100 was agreed.

6. Speaker Alireza Rahimi
 Gave an account as to how workers could no longer be organised in Iran as workers organisations had been ended with the revolution and private contractors brought in.  Activists and organisers were imprisoned, tortured or they and their families were threatened with death.  It was very moving.
 There was an article on The Chronicle front page regarding setting up a BNP group in  Wolverhampton. Delegates need to be vigilant to try and ascertain if a branch is  really being set up.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm





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