Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Sisters: Halfpenny (NUT), Taylor (CYWU), Ceresa (UNISON)
Brothers: Deacon (UNISON), Grant (NATFHE), Baynham AMICUS, Turner (UNISON)
Apologies: Kelleher (UNISON), Morgan (UNISON), Ash (UNISON), Sagoo (UNISON)
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true record
Final mailing to those that have not renewed their affiliation will be sent.
2.3.2 Andrew Murray of Stop the War confirmed for November meeting
2.3.4 Bob Deacon asked ‘What are we doing re public liability charges?’
3.1 Executive Committee report none as only one member present at meeting
3.2 Correspondence – This was tabled after item 4 (i) due to a lack of photocopies
3.2.3 Noted Midlands TUC to CATUC regarding Agency Labour and Job crisis conference.
3.2.4 EDM on ICL/Stockline – petition to sign
3.2.5 Unison Health branch disaffiliation – Sam Cole had attended TUC as rep. Nick Kelleher to write and find out why they are NOT affiliating with copy of correspondence to Roger McKenzie. What is their objection? Also write to UNISON regionally and remind them that all should affiliate.
3.2.7 Agreed to reaffiliate to Action for Southern Africa
3.2.8 Details of Norwich Festival ‘Raise Your Banners’ 11-13 November were circulated.
3.2.9 Noted Unite Against Fascism conference at Congress House on November 5th
3.2.13 Peoples Press fighting Fund donations
3.2.14. Launch of ‘LGBT Census Wolverhampton’ was not attended by any Local Government Officials or Councillors who were invited. Disappointing. The excellent census was circulated to delegates
a) Secretary – Written report – In the absence of Dave Cole John Grant volunteered to chair the meeting for Stop the War on 2.11.05 ( Nick Kelleher to make arrangements) Women Chain Makers Festival 22.10.05 Black Country Museum, Banner Theatre ‘Wild Geese’ 28.10.05 Arena Theatre
b) Treasurer – £2002 in hand
c) WB&DTUC Employment Advisory Service Sub –Committee – Nick Kelleher, Warinder Juss and Marie Taylor met. There is a need, if we want to take this forward, to find a local place where people could find information. Group have approached Andy Burford (Chief Officer Community Play and Youth) who was very supportive. There will be another meeting of the group. A discussion followed. Points raised. What happened to the Alan Garner Centre for Trade Union studies at Old Hall Street? Could the work be funded through the TUC OFFA fund contact Roger Mackenzie? Hopefully the centre could raise the TUC profile. It would be open to the public – the majority of workers are not in a union. A telephone with someone on the end. Funding could be obtained from the Trade Union Learning Fund if Trade Union Studies and could include a café. We would be able to get start up grants but would need an income to keep going. A business plan will be necessary with options available explored. A building survey will need to be done.
d) West Midlands County Association of TUCs – Bob Deacon gave a written report which led to some discussion about the Regions remodelling agenda. We would like contact with the task group – John Freeman, Dorothy heath, Robert West and Martin Eversfield who will report to the Regional AGM. Resolved to invite a member of the working party to our December meeting so we can have input into the restructure.
e) TUC Congress no report from Tracy Morgan
f) Wolverhampton Council Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Panel excellent written report from Tracy Morgan – John Grant particularly congratulated her.
g) LGBT TUC report written report from Bob Deacon – the meeting supported the 2 recommendations- 1. Write to CWU congratulating their principled stand urging they continue to pursue the objective through the TUC. The inconsistency of other unions was discussed. 2. Write to MP’s within the terms of the Congress resolution and also expressing concern about section 52 of the bill which exempts faith schools from the bill’s provision to outlaw discrimination on grounds of religion or belief. This problem with education was discussed. Ken Purchase and Rob Marris have signed the Early Day Motion, letter to Pat McFaddon. Trade Union profile for World Aids Day 1.12.05 through own unions.
h) No workplace reports
i) No CSC report as Dave Cole not present. PSC There is an event at St Andrew’s Church with a speaker from Christian Aid – Saturday 26th November 6 to 8 pm
From UNISON General Branch on ‘Combined TU Pensions Campaign
At the recent TU conference a motion was passed calling for a Public Sector Demonstration in support of Public Sector Pensions.
In light of information being received that Government proposals being made to unions on pensions are worse than the ones put to us at the beginning of the year which led to a successful strike vote.
Wolverhampton , Bilston & District TUC calls on the TUC JCC to support calls for the immediate setting of date for the demonstration in order that the strength of feeling and opposition to government attacks on our pension can be known to both the government and that any other attacks be met by united action by public sector unions.
We further support the call for the setting up of a Wolverhampton Public Sector TU campaign Committee by the Trades Union Council.
There followed a discussion as to the best way forward in the light of some settlement within teacher unions, health sector, and fire-fighters. The point was raised that we should not sell jobs of the future in order to help settlement. UNISON plans to meet with MPs. The motion will go to Regional Council on November 3rd. The motion was proposed and seconded and agreed by union delegates.
Future action
• Leave Trades Council to decide where the motion should be sent
• As negotiations are still on going Adrian Turner will contact other local government unions.
• Watch the website as it may change quite quickly.
• Dave Cole to check NUT position.
• Local demo may still be needed.
Marion Halfpenny raised the restructure of teachers pay and management points which may lead to some schools being in dispute with governors. Smestow and Woodfield Infants were mentioned. The meeting closed at 8.45pm
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