October 2001

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Minutes of Delegate Meeting Thursday 18th October 2001

Attendance: Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, P Davis, B Deacon, P Clements, A Turner, D Ash, G Singh, R Mistry, R.Scroop, R Marris, K Rana, A Goodall(speaker) G Baynham, A Summan, K Whitston. Sis. M Smith, D Fogg, M Taylor
1. Apologies: Bros. N Brackenridge. Sis. S Sagoo.
2. Minutes of September delegate meeting, Matters Arising – all donations sent.
3. Executive Committee report (11-10-01): agreed nominate Bro.Brackenridge as CATUC President, John Swift as Secretary. no observer to TUC Disability conference was proposed. Samar & Jawad Appeal Bro.Deacon attended court demo, result awaited.
3.5.3 Anti-war leaflets 2000 A4 x2 sided £81.50 from BTUC. Minibus to London demo was £142 all-in (12 people)
4. Reports:
a) Secretary. Written report provided. Agreed P.O.Box for TUC at £104/year. Discussion of Citizens’ Panel, its unrepresentative nature and influence. However delegates were encouraged to join. Sec will atend Sandwell Unity conference.
b)Race Equality Council report – Council Leader has made speech on accessing council structures but had been unable to explain how anyone could find out agendas in advance thus knowing if it was worth attending the public gallery or Scrutiny Panels. No promotion of equal opportunities, loss of youth clubs and high number of black boys excluded from schools, all raised.

c) Workplace report – Bro.Turner related Best Value problems and the closure of WMBC Training

5. No to War resolution from UNISON General was passed.
6. Speaker: Andy Goodall spoke on the war against Afghanistan. Wolverhampton Against War to operate independently from TUCs. Public meeting to be held 2nd Nov.
7.. A.O.B. – none

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