September 2001

Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC
Minutes of Delegate Meeting
Thursday 20th September 2001
Bros. D Joynson, N Kelleher, J Grant, P Davis, B Deacon, P Clements, T
Lowe, D Ash, A Hall, J Grant, N Brackenridge, P Goalby, R Marris, A
Goodhall (observer) Sis. M Taylor, E Hall.
Bro. Brackenridge in the Chair.
1. Welcome to New Delegates & Apologies
2. Minutes of September delegate meeting, Matters Arising.
Agreed a true and accurate record with the amendment that apologies be
shown for Bro. D Joynson.
3.1. GATS conf. Bro. Brackenridge gave a verbal report.
4f)I) Merseyside dispute. Bro. P Goalby gave a verbal report.
Difficulties still arising!
6. AOB. ii) Connections – Bro. Deacon to ‘chase up’ correspondence that
he requested be sent to Trades Council.
3. Executive Committee report (13-09-01)
5.2.1 WMCATUC Current four delegates re-elected. Agreed £30
5.2.2. PINAR del Rio Agreed £50 donation.
5.2.7 ASLEF sponsored walk for Cuban Hospital. Agreed £100 from
Trades Council plus sponsorship form circulated amongst delegates.
5.2.12. McGowan demo. Agreed £50 donation.
5.2.13. B’ham May Day Defence campaign re Lobby Oct 15th. Agreed
support and donate A325.
5.5.3. Black Country Education Service, Sandwell. Seeking two delegates.
Agreed Bro. P Goalby (provisional).
4. Reports:
a) Secretary. None.
Treasurer. Balance healthy
C) Workplace. Bro. P Goalby gave a verbal report on the possibility of
fire stations merging. A formulae using ‘Best Value Review’ is being
used currently at Aldridge and Bloxwich stations. This will (if allowed)
be used across the whole West Midlands Service.
5. Resolutions.
Motion from UNISON General adopted.
Bro. Marris in the Char.
It was agreed to Sponsor/affiliate @A320.

6. Speaker: Edna Hall (Full time UNISON Officer)
Against Privatisation Of NHS in Herefordshire.

7. A.O.B.
Secretary to write re: Privatisation of NHS.
No more victims petition.


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